Featuring 37 essays by distinguished literary scholars, A Companion to the American Novel provides a comprehensive single-volume treatment of the development of the novel in the United States from the late 18th century to the present day.
* Represents the most comprehensive single-volume introduction to this popular literary form currently available
* Features 37 contributions from a wide range of distinguished literary scholars
* Includes essays on topics and genres, historical overviews, and key individual works, including The Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, The Great Gatsby, Beloved, and many more.
İçerik tablosu
Notes on Contributors
Part I: Historical Developments
1. The Development of the American Novel: The Transformations of Genre
Alfred Bendixen
2. The American Novel: Beginnings through the American Renaissance
Maria Karafilis
3. The American Novel: Realism and Naturalism (1860-1920)
Jeanne Campbell Reesman
4. Modernism and American Literature (1915-1945)
Peter L. Hays
5. The American Novel: Beyond Modernism (1915-1945)
Alfred Bendixen
6. The Cold War Novel: The American Novel (1945-1970)
Sharon Becker and Wendy Martin
7. The Novel in a Changing America: Multiculturalism and Other Issues (1970- present)
Martha J. Cutter
8. A Chronology of the American Novel
Alfred Bendixen
Part II: Genres and Traditions
9. Fear, Ambiguity, and Transgression: The Gothic Novel in the United States
Charles L. Crow
10. The American Historical Romance: From James Fenimore Cooper and Nathaniel Hawthorne to Toni Morrison, Louise Erdrich, and E. L. Doctorow
Emily Miller Budick
11. Making this Whole Nation Feel: The Sentimental Novel in the United States
Marianne Noble
12. Social Protest, Reform, and the American Political Novel
Chip Rhodes
13. The American War Novel Tradition and the Individual Soldier
James H. Meredith
14. From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Comic Traditions in the American Novel
Judith Yaross Lee
15. Plotting a Way Home: The Jewish American Novel
Derek Parker Royal
16. Chicano/a Traditions in the American Novel
Juan J. Alonzo
17. African American Traditions and the American Novel
Melvin Donalson
18. The American Novel of Mystery, Crime, and Detection
Leonard Cassuto
19. O Brave New Worlds: Science Fiction and the American Novel
Eric S. Rabkin
20. Dreaming of a White Future: Mary E. Bradley Lane, Edward Bellamy, and the Origins of the Utopian Novel in the United States
Jean Pfaelzer
21. Queer Theory and the American Novel
Deborah Carlin
22. The American Short-Story Cycle: Out from the Novel’s Shadow
Robert M. Luscher
23. Selected Readings in the Genres of the American Novel
Alfred Bendixen
Part III: Major Texts
24. The Woman’s Law in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
Monika Elbert
25. Writ in Water: The Books of Melville’s Moby-Dick
Wyn Kelley
26. Wonder of Wonders: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Susan Belasco
27. Citational Strategies and Literary Traditions: Placing Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady
Greg W. Zacharias
28. A Child’s Search for Comfort and Peace: Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Michael J. Kiskis
29. What Women Want: Kate Chopin’s The Awakening
Emily Toth
30. Private Fleming’s Various Battles: Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage
James Nagel
31. Lily’s Story: Edith Wharton’s House of Mirth
Kathy Fedorko
32. Jim Burden and the World: Willa Cather’s My Antonia
Alfred Bendixen
33. The Confessional Narration of Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises
James Nagel
34. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and the Myth of the Land
Richard Lehan
35. Ground Zero: Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury
Philip M. Weinstein
36. A Bigger Vision: Richard Wright’s Native Son and the Great American Novel
Andrew Warnes
37. Our Invisible Man: The Aesthetic Genealogy of U.S. Diversity
John Carlos Rowe
38. The Visionary Exuberance of Saul Bellow’s The Adventures of Augie March
Ben Siegel
39. The Flesh and the Word: Toni Morrison’s Beloved
Valerie Smith
40. A Different Kind of Love Story: Cormac Mc Carthy’s The Road
Olivia Carr Edenfield
Yazar hakkında
Alfred Bendixen teaches American literature at Princeton University, USA, and is the founder and Executive Director of the American Literature Association. His books include The Cambridge History of American Poetry (co-edited with Stephen Burt, 2014), A Companion to the American Short Story (co-edited with James Nagel, Wiley Blackwell, 2010), Ihe Cambridge Companion to American Travel Writing (co-edited with Judith Hamera, 2009), Edith Wharton: New Critical Essays (co-edited with Annette Zilversmit, 1992), ‘lhe Amber Gods and Other Stories by Harriet Prescott Spofford (1989), an edition of the composite novel The Whole Family (1986), and Haunted Women (1985).