The all-in-one reference to all aspects of Microsoft Access
If you want to learn Microsoft Access inside and out, the nine
minibooks in this easy-access reference are exactly what you need.
Read the book cover to cover, or jump into any of the minibooks for
the instruction and topics you need most. Learn how to connect
Access to SQL Server, manipulate your data locally, use nifty new
features from Office 2010 such as the enhanced Ribbon, create
queries and macros like a champ, and much more. From the basics to
advanced functions, it’s what you need to make Access more
* Shows you how to store, organize, view, analyze, and share data
using Microsoft Access 2010, the database application included with
Microsoft Office 2010
* Includes nine minibooks that cover such topics as database
design, tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, database
administration, securing data, programming with Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA), and using Access with the Web
* Helps you build database solutions that integrate with the Web
and other enterprise data sources
* Offers plenty of techniques, tips, and tricks to help you get
the most out of Access
This all-in-one guide contains everything you need to start
power-using Access 2010!
İçerik tablosu
Introduction 1
Book I: Essential Concepts 7
Chapter 1: Introducing Access 2010 9
Chapter 2: Getting Started, Getting Around 17
Chapter 3: Designing Your Database the Relational Way 37
Book II: Tables for Storing Your Data 65
Chapter 1: Creating and Modifying Tables 67
Chapter 2: Refining Your Table in Design View 103
Chapter 3: Sorting, Finding, and Filtering Data in a Datasheet 121
Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting Data 137
Chapter 5: Avoiding ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’ 161
Chapter 6: Relating Your Tables and Protecting Your Data 179
Book III: Queries (or Getting Information from Your Data) 189
Chapter 1: Creating Select Queries 191
Chapter 2: Letting Queries Do the Math 223
Chapter 3: Doing Neat Things with Action Queries and Query Wizards 257
Chapter 4: Viewing Your Data from All Angles Using Crosstabs and Pivot Tables 279
Book IV: Forms for Editing Data 303
Chapter 1: Designing and Using Forms (and Reports) 305
Chapter 2: Jazzing Up Your Forms (and Reports) 329
Chapter 3: Creating Smarter Forms 353
Chapter 4: Doing Calculations in Forms and Subforms (and Reports) 377
Book V: Reporting in Words and Pictures 397
Chapter 1: Creating and Spiffing Up Reports 399
Chapter 2: Printing Beautiful Reports 427
Chapter 3: Creating Charts and Graphs from Your Data 445
Book VI: Automation with Macros 471
Chapter 1: Making Macros Do the Work 473
Chapter 2: Making Macros Smarter 491
Book VII: Database Administration 509
Chapter 1: Database Housekeeping 511
Chapter 2: Sharing the Fun: Managing Multiuser Access 521
Chapter 3: Securing Your Access Database 535
Book VIII: Programming in VBA 547
Chapter 1: What the Heck Is VBA? 549
Chapter 2: Writing Code 569
Chapter 3: Writing Smarter Code 593
Chapter 4: Controlling Forms with VBA 617
Chapter 5: Using SQL and Recordsets 641
Chapter 6: Debugging Your Code 653
Book IX: Going Beyond Access 663
Chapter 1: Automation with Other Office Programs 665
Chapter 2: Using Access as a Front-End to SQL Server 681
Chapter 3: Using Access with Share Point 697
Appendix: Installing Microsoft Access 719
Index 725
Yazar hakkında
Alison Barrows has written books on Access, Windows, and the
Internet, including Access For Dummies Quick Reference.
Margaret Levine Young is coauthor of over two dozen
books, including The Internet For Dummies.
Joseph C. Stockman is an independent consultant, software
designer, and author.