Yazar: Alois Woldan

Peter Deutschmann (Ph D), born in 1968, is full professor of Slavic literatures and cultures at the University of Salzburg, Austria. His main fields of research include Russian and Czech literature. Jens Herlth (Ph D), born in 1971, is full professor of Slavic literatures at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. His research interests include Polish intellectual history, Russian and Polish literature in the context of the history of ideas, and the relationship between literature and the social sciences. Alois Woldan (Ph D), born in 1954, is full professor of Slavic literatures at the University of Vienna, Austria. His fields of research are Polish and Ukrainian literature, comparative Slavic literature and literary life in Austrian Galicia.

7 Ebooks tarafından Alois Woldan

Peter Deutschmann & Jens Herlth: »Truth« and Fiction
Several of the most prolific and influential conspiracy theories have originated in Eastern Europe. The far reaching influence of conspiracy narratives can be observed in recent developments in …
Alois Woldan & Olaf Terpitz: Ivan Franko und die jüdische Frage in Galizien
Ivan Franko, einer der Gründungsväter der modernen ukrainischen Literatur, zeigt sich in seinem mehrsprachigen Schaffen durchaus ambivalent gegenüber der jüdischen Frage. In seinem literarischen und …
Magdalena Baran-Szołtys & Olena Dvoretska: Galizien in Bewegung
Der Band behandelt den wechselseitigen Austausch des Kronlands Galizien und Lodomerien mit den Nachbarregionen und zeigt seine Bewohner als aktive Akteure soziokultureller und multiethnischer …
Magdalena Baran-Szołtys & Jagoda Wierzejska: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses since 1918
In 1918 the Danube Monarchy ceased to exist and its provinces became parts of the Monarchy’s successor states, which increasingly assumed the character of nation-states. The regimes of these …
Christoph Augustynowicz & Dietlind Hüchtker: Perlen geschichtswissenschaftlicher Reflexion
In historischen, anthropologischen, literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Essays nähern sich 39 Autorinnen und Autoren dem östlichen Europa an. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erhalten dabei die …