8 Ebooks tarafından Amy Mah
Amy Mah: Fangs Rule
A very funny self-help guide by Amy Mah (Vampire) for teenage vampire girls, the guide is fully illustrated and is written in an easy to follow A – Z format explaining everything a teenage vampire gi …
Amy Mah: Fangs Rule : A Girls Guide to Being a Vampire by Amy Mah (Vampire)
FANGS RULE a girls guide to being a vampire – is a young Adult book for anyone between Puberty and Senility as it takes a close up look at life as a female teenage vampire in easy to follow A to Z ad …
Amy Mah: VAMPIRE : My Life as a teenage vampire
Today’s world is difficult for everyone, especially teenagers. They face the stresses of school, deciding whom to date, and the biggie of sex, just to name a few. Imagine all of those things ten time …
Amy Mah: A Bad Hair day
A unique take on Male to Female body changing, M2F, gender change, Age Regression, gender bender, possession and School work. Wearing a dress on a job to steal alien technology had not been JJ’s idea …
Amy Mah: A Bad Hair day
No longer with any memory of his past life JJ now has a new life as a not so normal teenage girl “Abbey”. Follow Abbey at High School as she finds that getting older does not mean life gets any easie …
Amy Mah: Smoking Hot
Swapping bodies with a young female demon had not been part of the planned vacation. Nor was having to attend a demonic high school for the magically gifted. When the most magical thing you could do …
Amy Mah: A Girls Guide To Guys
The unknown world of boys has been a problem that has plagued girl-kind for many a century. What do you say to them? Which ones should you avoid? And what is going on in that little brain of theirs w …