Despite constitutional limitations, the points of contact between religion and politics have deeply affected all aspects of American political development since the founding of the United States. Within partisan politics, federal institutions, and movement activism, religion and politics have rarely been truly separate; rather, they are two forms of cultural expression that are continually coevolving and reconfiguring in the face of social change.
Faithful Republic explores the dynamics between religion and politics in the United States from the early twentieth century to the present. Rather than focusing on the traditional question of the separation between church and state, this volume touches on many other aspects of American political history, addressing divorce, civil rights, liberalism and conservatism, domestic policy, and economics. Together, the essays blend church history and lived religion to fashion an innovative kind of political history, demonstrating the pervasiveness of religion throughout American political life.
Contributors : Lila Corwin Berman, Edward J. Blum, Darren Dochuk, Lily Geismer, Alison Collis Greene, Matthew S. Hedstrom, David Mislin, Bethany Moreton, Andrew Preston, Bruce J. Schulman, Molly Worthen, Julian E. Zelizer.
İçerik tablosu
—Andrew Preston, Bruce Schulman, and Julian E. Zelizer
Chapter 1. ‘Against the Foes That Destroy the Family, Protestants and Catholics Can Stand Together’: Divorce and Christian Ecumenism
—David Mislin
Chapter 2. American Jewish Politics Is Urban Politics
—Lila Corwin Berman
Chapter 3. Fighting for the Fundamentals: Lyman Stewart and the Protestant Politics of Oil
—Darren Dochuk
Chapter 4. A ‘Divine Revelation’? Southern Churches Respond to the New Deal
—Alison Collis Greene
Chapter 5. The Rise of Spiritual Cosmopolitanism: Liberal Protestants and Cultural Politics
—Matthew S. Hedstrom
Chapter 6. ‘A Third Force’: The Civil Rights Ministry of Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
—Edward J. Blum
Chapter 7. The Theological Origins of the Christian Right
—Molly Worthen
Chapter 8. More than Megachurches: Liberal Religion and Politics in the Suburbs
—Lily Geismer
Chapter 9. Knute Gingrich, All American? White Evangelicals, U.S. Catholics, and the Religious Genealogy of Political Realignment
—Bethany Moreton
List of Contributors
Yazar hakkında
Andrew Preston teaches history at Cambridge University, where he is a Fellow of Clare College. His most recent books include America in the World: A History in Documents from the War with Spain to the War on Terror and Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy. Bruce J. Schulman is William E. Huntington Professor of History at Boston University. He is the author of The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Politics, and Society. Julian E. Zelizer is Malcolm Stevenson Forbes, Class of 1941 Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University and a Fellow at New America. He is a contributor for and author of several books, most recently The Fierce Urgency of Now: Lyndon Johnson, Congress, and the Battle for the Great Society.