What is the true calling of the intellectual? In this provocative
new book, Andrew Shanks presents a distinctive fresh answer. The
Other Calling is a systematic riposte both to the elitism of
philosophy in the heritage of Plato, and to the typical
individualism of Plato’s philosophic opponents. Here, instead,
intellectual integrity is identified with a form of priesthood.
* * Asserts that intellectuals are critical to bringing together
the common aspirations of a community
* * Offers a strikingly original approach to the moral and
political aspects of theology’s relationship with philosophy,
exploring the perspectives of both disciplines
* Draws on the work and thought of Christians, Muslims, Hindus,
Buddhists, Agnostics, and Atheists
* Argues for a new, religiously multicultural ‘priesthood
of all thinkers’, considering how once, all intellectuals
were as a matter of course also priests
* Published in the new and prestigious Illuminations
İçerik tablosu
Introduction: Why Theology? / What is an Intellectual?.
1. The Incompleteness of Philosophy Alone.
2. Philosophy and Folk Religion: Two ‘Forms’ for a Single
3. ‘Philosophic Politics’ (i): Strauss amongst ‘the Moderns’ and
‘the Postmoderns’.
4. ‘Philosophic Politics’ (ii): Strauss and ‘the Ancients’.
5. Anti-Philosophical Philosophy (i): Kojève’s Critique of
the ‘Cloistered Mind’.
6. Anti-Philosophical Philosophy (ii): Epicurus, Rousseau.
7. Beyond Metaphysics: ‘the Science of the Sacralisation of
Honesty, in Theist, Catholic form’.
8. Coleridge’s Notion of the ‘Clerisy’.
9. Sacramentally Framed Thought.
10. ‘The Conflict’: From Amos to Hegel, and Girard.
11. What is an Intellectual? / Why Theology?.
Yazar hakkında
Andrew Shanks is the Canon Theologian for Manchester Cathedral. He is also the author of the following books: Hegel’s Political Theology (1991), Civil Society, Civil Religion (Blackwell, 1995), God and Modernity (2000), What is Truth? (2001), and Faith in Honesty (2006).