Dr. BERTIL HULTÉN is an Associate Professor at the Baltic Business School (BBS), the University of Kalmar, and Research Affiliate at the Swedish Retail Institute (HUI), Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Hultén has published scientific articles and papers in academic journals and proceedings. He also serves as speaker and reviewer at international conferences and symposiums. His main research area includes sensory marketing, human senses and brands. Another area of interest is retailing and growth success factors of retailers.
NIKLAS BROWEUS holds a M.Sc. in Business Administration. He studied at the Baltic Business School (BBS), the University of Kalmar, Sweden, Cracow University of Economics, Poland, and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Broweus has worked as a project leader in the Information Technology industry, and is currently working as marketing consultant and speaker.
MARCUS VAN DIJK is a marketing consultant and speaker holding a M.Sc. in Business Administration from the Baltic Business School (BBS), the University of Kalmar, Sweden and Otterbein College, USA. During 2008 van Dijk has participated in a research project that studies the internationalization process of small and medium size export firms in Sweden. He has also worked as tutor for marketing students at the University of Kalmar.
1 Ebooks tarafından B. Hultén
B. Hultén & N. Broweus: Sensory Marketing
The book covers the ongoing shift from mass-marketing and micro-marketing to sensory marketing in terms of the increased individualization in the contemporary society. It shows the importance in reac …