This new book and cd-rom provides a comprehensive training course which follows the structure of the hundreds of training days that Barbara and George have run around the world since 1991. The programme includes:
– clarification of the terms ′bully′ and ′victim′
– a challenge to traditional practices
– the steps of the support group method
– what makes it work, including the voices of young people
– research findings.
The pack contains full facilitator notes with a Power Point presentation, video excerpts and all activity pages. It provides a challenging course which helps participants to learn and understand effective responses to bullying.
By the end of the presentation the participants will have the opportunity to consider aspects of the programme and place it into the context of the current emphasis on restorative methodology, peer support and the social and emotional aspects of behavioural learning.
İçerik tablosu
What is in the Book?
The training day
Pattern of the day
Power Point slides 1-29 with facilitator notes
Appendix 1 – Framework for a policy
Appendix 2 – A survey of use of the support group method
Appendix 3 – The Case for the Support Group Method