Yazar: Bart van der Steen

Knud Andresen is Research Associate at the Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg, Germany. His research focuses on the history of work and the workers movement in Germany, youth and the New Left. His most recent publications include: Triumpherzählungen. Wie Gewerkschafterinnen und Gewerkschafter über ihre Erinnerungen sprechen (2015); ed. with Linde Apel and Kirsten Heinsohn: Es gilt das gesprochene Wort. Oral History und Zeitgeschichte heute (2015); and ed. with Ursula Bitzegeio and Jürgen Mittag: Nach dem Strukturbruch? Kontinuität und Wandel von Arbeitsbeziehungen und Arbeits(welten) seit den 1970er Jahren (2011).Bart van der Steen is Lecturer at Leiden University”s Institute of History, Netherlands. His research focuses on interwar labor movements and New Social Movements from 1968 to the present. His most recent publications include: ed. with L. van Hoogenhuijze and A. Katzeff; The City is Ours: Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present (2014) and with R. Blom; Een banier waar geen smet op rust: Geschiedenis van de trotskistische beweging in Nederland (2015).

4 Ebooks tarafından Bart van der Steen

Bart van der Steen: A European Youth Revolt
During the early 1980s, large parts of Europe were swept with riots and youth revolts. Radicalised young people occupied buildings and clashed with the police in cities such as Zurich, Berlin and Ams …
Bart van der Steen & Marc de Kesel: Party, State, Revolution
Slavoj Žižek ist einer der prominentesten linken Intellektuellen. Der Sammelband lädt ein, Žižeks Ideen kritisch zu diskutieren, insbesondere sein Verständnis von Politik, politischen Organisationen …
Bart van der Steen & Thierry P.F. Verburgh: Researching Subcultures, Myth and Memory
This book brings together contributions that analyse how subcultural myths develop and how they can be studied. Through critical engagement with (history) writing and other sources on subcultures by …
Bart van der Steen & Ask Katzeff: City Is Ours
Squatters and autonomous movements have been in the forefront of radical politics in Europe for nearly a half-century—from struggles against urban renewal and gentrification, to large-scale peace and …