Yazar: Bernd Pehlke

Joerg Krause has been working with software and software technology since the early 1980s, starting with a ZX-81 and taking the first steps using BASIC and assembler language. He studied information technology at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, but left early to start his own operation in the 1990s. He is the author of several books about Online Marketing, PHP, ASP.NET, and Share Point. He s MCP for .NET technology and Share Point development. He currently works as a freelance consultant and software developer for Microsoft Technologies. Joerg can be reached at [email protected] and you can get more information at http://www.joergkrause.de.

4 Ebooks tarafından Bernd Pehlke

Joerg Krause & Martin Dring: SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform
Share Point is gaining recognition as a full-fledged application server with many features and enhancements that specifically allow non-developers to create sophisticated intranet sites. However, wit …
Bernd Pehlke & Mario Flucka: HTML5 für Mobile Web
HTML5 und j Query sind die Mittel der Stunde, wenn es darum geht, angepasste Anwendungen für Mobile Devices zu entwickeln. Smartphones und Tablets bieten gerade Unternehmen große kommunikative Möglic …
Bernd Pehlke: SharePoint-Entwicklung für Einsteiger
Der Microsoft Share Point Server ist die Plattform von Microsoft mit den höchsten Zuwachsraten weltweit. Das unterstreicht den hohen Stellenwert von Share Point in Unternehmen. Doch was macht diese P …
Bernd Pehlke: Nintex Workflow
Nintex Workflow, Share Point, Workflow Unternehmensprozessen, Workflow Editorshortcut stellt die vielfältigen Funktionen von Nintex Workflow vor und gibt Best-Practice-Hinweise zu zahlreichen Themen, …