Nocturnes: A Passage of Dreams is a play about grief and love. Their primal intimacy is its story.
Nocturnes thinks that what was painfully learned about love and grief in the early 20th century remains troublingly true. Julia Kristeva puts it well: ‘…the insolence of the Freudian discovery was to show this: there is no love but failed love’. Here is to failed love. May we survive it, learn from it, and outlive it.
İçerik tablosu
Nocturnes: A Passage of Dreams 1
The Central Players 19
Opening Scene,
the Mans Speak 25
Dream Plays 27
She Moved On
The Wronged House
The Black Sun
Global Sequence
Tempus Fugitives
A Drop Off
One Act, One Play
The Beanstalk
Flight of Fancy
Walking the Line
Doing Time
The Womans
The Fool
She Rules
Second Dream Sequence
Dream with a Chaser 84
Intercessions 89
His Mastering Voice
Makes a First Appearance 93
The Plays Resume…… 95
Movers and Shakers
The Buzz
The Road
Falling Man
New Lover
The Black Sheep
His Natural Life
The Lark
Lost and Found
Crashing and Crushing
Interruption! 143
His Mastering Voice Calls Out
from the Balconies 145
Womans Business
Half Baked
The Mendicant
The Formula
The Wall
Ship Shaping
Back Again
Closing Scene
The Womans Sing the End 175
The Mans Agree 177
Curtain Call
His Mastering Voice Wants
The Final Word 179
The Mans Have it,
Men Must Change 181
End 183
The Dreamer Wakes 185