Dr. Marriwala did his Ph D. from NIT, Kurukshetra in Electronics and Communication Department. He did his post graduation in Electronics and Communication Engineering from IASE University, Sardarshahar, Rajasthan and did his B-Tech Electronics and Instrumentation from MMEC, Mullana affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. He is having additional charge of Training and Placement Office, UIET, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra and heading the T&P cell for more than 7 years now. He was also the M-Tech Coordinator of ECE in U.I.E.T, KUK for more than 3 years. He has more than 16 years of experience of teaching graduate and post graduate students. More than 31 students have completed their M-Tech dissertation under his guidance presently 2 students are working along with him. He has more than 30 publications to his credit in National and International Journals with 5 publications in reputed SCI and Scopus International Journals. He also has one patent published to his credit. Hehas also been Chairman of Special Sessions in more than 5 International/National Conferences. His areas of interests are Software Defied Radios, Wireless Communication, Fuzzy system design, and Microprocessors.
Prof. Tripathi did his in Ph.D. (Electronics) from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. Since 2016, he is working as a Director, University Institute of Engineering Technology (an autonomous institute) , Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. The institute is having more than 75 faculty member, above 150 non-teaching technical, laboratory & administrative staff and above 1600 students. As a Director, he is also heading institute academic bodies like board of studies, academic council with four UG, 8 PG programs and spearheading research in various engineering and applied sciences departments in the institute. Microelectronics, RF MEMS for Communication, Industrial Consultancy are his specialization areas. He has developed Micro-fabrication R&D Lab and RF MEMS R&D lab. He is a member of more than 14 Professional Bodies. He has published more than 80 papers in conferences and journals. Also filled one patent. He has implemented TEQIP-II grants of Rs.10.00 Crores by preparing Institution Development Plan(IDP)
S Jain is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, H.P, India and has received her Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) in Electronics and Communication Engineering. She has a teaching experience of around 15 years. She has filed three patents out of which one patent is granted and one is published. She has published more than 09 book chapters, and 100 research papers in reputed indexed journals and in international conferences. She has also published six books. She has completed two government-sponsored projects. She has guided 06 Ph.D. students and now has 02 registered students. She has also guided 11 M Techscholars and more than 90 B Tech undergrads. Her research interests are Image and Signal Processing, Soft Computing, Bio-inspired Computing and Computer-Aided Design of FPGA and VLSI circuits. She is a senior member of IEEE, life member and Editor in Chief of Biomedical Engineering Society of India and a member of IAENG. She is a member of the Editorial Board of many reputed journals. She is also a reviewer of many journals and a member of TPC of different conferences. She was awarded by Nation Builder Award in 2018-19.
Prof Dinesh K Kumar, B.Tech from IIT Madras, and Ph D from IIT Delhi, is a Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He has published over 400 papers, authored 5 books and is on a range of Australian and international committees for Biomedical Engineering. His passion is for affordable- diagnostics and making a difference for his students. His work has been cited over 5600 times and he has also had multiple successes with technology translation. He is the member of Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA), Ministry of Health (Australia) for medical devices. He is also on the editorial boards for IEEE Transactions of Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering and Biomedical Signals and Controls. He has been the chair of large number of conferences and given over 50 key-notes speeches.
1 Ebooks tarafından C. C Tripathi
Nikhil Marriwala & C.C Tripathi: Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks
This book features selected high-quality papers from the second International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks (MRCN 2021), held at University Institute of Engineering and Te …