Tiyatro, Bale DestekE-kitapİnsan BilimleriSanat / MimariGenel, AnsiklopedilerSanat TarihiGüzel SanatlarMimarlıkİç Mimarlık, TasarımTiyatro, BaleFotoğrafçılık, Film, Video, TVAntikaÇeşitli21.524 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Barbara Baker: Backstage Stories Gaining a view behind the scenes into the jobs and personalities of people who work in the theatre is a privilege afforded to few. This book grants that privilege to all its readers. Twenty-one highl … EPUB Adobe DRM €52.00 Syutaro Miyake: Kabuki Drama First published in 2006. Kabuki is the most popular form of Japanese traditional theatre. More fast-moving than Noh, it is a colourful and exciting spectacle based around traditional, historical and … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.36 Jean Marlow: Audition Speeches for Young Actors 16+ Finding good, interesting audition pieces is a demanding and difficult process. This revised edition contains over 40 speeches and includes a wide selection of pieces taken from plays written or prod … EPUB Adobe DRM €22.03 Dr. Rebecca D’Monte: British Theatre and Performance 1900-1950 British theatre from 1900 to 1950 has been subject to radical re-evaluation with plays from the period setting theatres alight and gaining critical acclaim once again; this book explains why, present … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.27 Dr Helen Iball: Sarah Kane”s Blasted Blasted has been labelled as one of the landmark plays of post-war British theatre, achieving its iconic status and, indeed, its notoriety, very quickly. Sarah Kane”s suicide in 1999 consolidated a … EPUB Adobe DRM €22.02 Shaun May: A Philosophy of Comedy on Stage and Screen As far as we know, only human beings have a sense of humour – although chimps might laugh when tickled, and dogs respond similarly in play, Seth Mc Farlane”s fan-base is comprised exclusively of hum … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.52 Mary Cyr: Style and Performance for Bowed String Instruments in French Baroque Music Mary Cyr addresses the needs of researchers, performers, and informed listeners who wish to apply knowledge about historically informed performance to specific pieces. Special emphasis is placed upon … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.44 Charles J. Rzepka: Selected Studies in Romantic and American Literature, History, and Culture Gathered together for the first time, the essays in this volume were selected to give scholars ready access to important late-twentieth and early twenty-first-century contributions to scholarship on … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.34 Barnaby King: Clowning as Social Performance in Colombia Contemporary Clowning as Social Performance in Colombia brings to light the emergence of new kinds of clowning in everyday life in Colombia, focusing particularly on the pervasive presence of clowns … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.35 Catharine (Loyola Marymount University, USA) Christof: Rethinking Religion in the Theatre of Grotowski This book opens a new interdisciplinary frontier between religion and theatre studies to illuminate what has been seen as the religious, or spiritual, nature of Polish theatre director Jerzy Grotowsk … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.46 Sonraki Sayfa >>> 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×