Genel, Ansiklopediler DestekE-kitapİnsan BilimleriGeçmişGenel, AnsiklopedilerÖncesi ve Erken TarihTarih, Antik ÇağOrta ÇağModern Zamandan 1918’e20. Yüzyıldan 1945’eÇağdaş Tarih (1945’den itibaren)Bölgesel TarihKültür Tarihi3.405 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Jay Sherry: The Jungian Strand in Transatlantic Modernism In studies of psychology’s role in modernism, Carl Jung is usually relegated to a cameo appearance, if he appears at all. This book rethinks his place in modernist culture during its formative years, … PDF İngilizce €117.69 Selena Daly & Martina Salvante: Landscapes of the First World War This comparative and transnational study of landscapes in the First World War offers new perspectives on the ways in which landscapes were idealised, mobilised, interpreted, exploited, transformed an … PDF İngilizce €106.99 Ana Stevenson: The Woman as Slave in Nineteenth-Century American Social Movements This book is the first to develop a history of the analogy between woman and slave, charting its changing meanings and enduring implications across the social movements of the long nineteenth century … PDF İngilizce €106.99 Federica G. Pedriali & Cristina Savettieri: Mobilizing Cultural Identities in the First World War This book tackles cultural mobilization in the First World War as a plural process of identity formation and de-formation. It explores eight different settings in which individuals, communities and c … PDF İngilizce €117.69 Perry Myers: Spiritual Empires in Europe and India This book provides a comparative analysis of cosmopolitan (esoteric) religious movements, such as Theosophy, Groupe Independent des Études Ésotériques, Anthroposophy, and Monism, in England, Fra … PDF İngilizce €96.29 Peter Docking: Negotiating the End of the British Empire in Africa, 1959-1964 This book examines conferences and commissions held for British colonial territories in East and Central Africa in the early 1960s. Until 1960, the British and colonial governments regularly e … PDF İngilizce €128.39 Jason Steinhauer: History, Disrupted The Internet has changed the past. Social media, Wikipedia, mobile networks, and the viral and visual nature of the Web have inundated the public sphere with historical information and misinformation … PDF İngilizce €28.88 Joseph Harley & Vicky Holmes: The Working Class at Home, 1790–1940 This book examines life in the homes inhabited by the working class over the long nineteenth century. These working-class homes are often imagined as distinctly unhomely spaces, which the inhabi … PDF İngilizce €139.09 Mihoko Oka: War and Trade in Maritime East Asia This book is divided into two parts. One is the state of trade in East Asia before and after the collapse of the tributary system to the Ming Dynasty, and the other is the war of aggression in which … PDF İngilizce €139.09 Christopher D. Bahl & Stefan Hanß: Scribal Practice and the Global Cultures of Colophons, 1400–1800 “This is a tour de force of sophisticated global erudition.” — Filippo de Vivo , University of Oxford, UK “In its wide global range and rich variety of studies, this expertly edited volu … PDF İngilizce €128.39 Bu kategoride daha fazla e-kitap var – lütfen aramanızı daraltın 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×