20., 21. Yüzyıl DestekE-kitapİnsan BilimleriFelsefeGenel, AnsiklopedilerAntik çağOrta ÇağRönesans, AydınlanmaAlman İdealizmi20., 21. YüzyılDoğu FelsefesiDiğer4.044 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Dominique Kuenzle: Refurbishing Epistemology Even though important developments within 20th and 21st century philosophy have widened the scope of epistemology, this has not yet resulted in a systematic meta-epistemological debate about epistemo … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €129.95 Paul Ricoeur: Philosophy, Ethics, and Politics In this series of interviews and dialogues which took place between 1981 and 2003, Paul Ricoeur addresses some of the central questions of political philosophy and ethics: justice, violence, war, the … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €17.99 Valerie Malhotra Bentz & James Marlatt: Deathworlds to Lifeworlds Deathworlds are places on planet earth that can no longer sustain life. These are increasing rapidly. We experience remnants of Deathworlds within our Lifeworlds (for example traumatic echoes of war, … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €139.95 Andrea Cassatella: Beyond the Secular Through an in-depth, critical analysis of Jacques Derrida’s later writings, Beyond the Secular examines the contemporary nexus between religion and politics. Reconnecting these writings to his early … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €37.99 Gerad Gentry & Mattias Pirholt: Art, Nature, and Self-Formation in the Age of Goethe This volume looks to core ideas defining Goethe’s work and his influence on his contemporaries and inheritors. Contributions to this volume explore his impact through ideas of organic and aesthetic f … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €129.95 Michael Naas: The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments follows the remarkable itinerary of Jacques Derrida’s final seminar, “The Beast and the Sovereign” (2001–3), as the explicit themes of the seminar—nam … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €26.99 Dominick LaCapra: History and Its Limits Dominick La Capra’s History and Its Limits articulates the relations among intellectual history, cultural history, and critical theory, examining the recent rise of ‘Practice Theory’ and probing the … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €20.99 Ann-Katrin Gembries & Theresia Theuke: Children by Choice? During the 20th century, medico-technical advances such as the invention of the latex condom (1930), the arrival of the contraceptive pill on the free market (1960/61) and the birth of the first chil … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €69.95 Mirosław Szatkowski: Ontology of Theistic Beliefs This volume aims to apply ontological theories and arguments to theistic beliefs and theistic world views. After an introduction that traces out the complexity of the field by categorizing the multif … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €129.95 David Wills: Killing Times Killing Times begins with the deceptively simple observation—made by Jacques Derrida in his seminars on the topic—that the death penalty mechanically interrupts mortal time by preempting the typical … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €40.99 Sonraki Sayfa >>> 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×