Genel Referanslar DestekE-kitapNon-FictionSanat / EdebiyatBiyografiler, OtobiyografilerGenel ReferanslarGüzel SanatlarFotoğraf SanatıMimarlıkGenel EdebiyatGenel DilÇeşitli444 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar EHGBooks & Luke Chen: The Life of Christ – Chinese Paintings with Bible Stories (Simplified Chinese Edition) 1844年大清帝国签订《中法黄埔条约》,明确规定准许传教与设立教堂自由,从此解除了中国的百年教禁,而法国也取代葡萄牙获得「在华保教权」(Protectorate of Missions);1911年辛亥革命、大清覆亡、民国继起,英美法等列强的压力,让国民政府对各国采取雨露均沾的开放政策,而一纸「在华保教权」,暗地里掀起了法国与罗马梵谛冈教廷之间在中国的谍对谍。1919年北平掀起的五四运动成为「反 … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.49 EHGBooks & Luke Chen: The Life of Christ – Chinese Paintings with Bible Stories (Traditional Chinese Edition) 1844年大清帝國簽訂《中法黃埔條約》,明確規定准許傳教與設立教堂自由,從此解除了中國的百年教禁,而法國也取代葡萄牙獲得「在華保教權」(Protectorate of Missions);1911年辛亥革命、大清覆亡、民國繼起,英美法等列強的壓力,讓國民政府對各國採取雨露均霑的開放政策,而一紙「在華保教權」,暗地裡掀起了法國與羅馬梵諦岡教廷之間在中國的諜對諜。1919年北平掀起的五四運動成為「反 … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.49 Martin Gayford: How Painting Happens (and Why it Matters) Drawing on decades of conversations with practicing artists, Martin Gayford offers intimate insight into the practice, meaning, and potential of painting. Painting is an almost inconceivably ancient … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €45.99 David Winter: Brushstrokes to Bytes Revolutionize Your Art Journey Through Full-Color Illustrations Immerse yourself in a world where tradition meets technology in a symphony of creativity. ‘Brushstrokes to Bytes: Exploring the Digital … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €4.99 Pose ~ Volume 3 Pose: A Life Drawing Reference is a captivating photography book series that serves as a valuable resource for artists seeking inspiration and reference in their figure drawing practice. With a colle … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €39.99 Christopher O. Makoyawo: My Journey through Ink and Paint Presented in My Journey through Ink and Paint is the mind of a pensive wanderer who journeys through a world of colors. This work depicts abstract art in a stylish evolution of colors through contras … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €9.99 Craig Staff: Painting, History and Meaning This compelling new study considers contemporary painting’s relationship with time and with events, ideas and paintings from the past. Following French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard’s determinati … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €32.99 Simon Morley: Modern Painting: A Concise History (World of Art) This new concise history of modern painting offers an indispensable reference to the complexities and characteristics of this medium, which now exists alongside many other contemporary practices that … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €20.99 Rosemary Cohane Erpf: Painting in the 1980s This book is the first to explore, in depth, major painters of the period and the factors that shaped their art. Accessible to both art novice and specialist, it is written in jargon-free, readable l … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €28.99 Monika Cilmi: Special Subjects: Beginning Chinese Brush With comprehensive instruction and artist tips and tricks, Special Subjects: Beginning Chinese Brush is the perfect resource for beginning artists. Explore and experience this traditional medium! Spe … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €10.99 Sonraki Sayfa >>> 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×