Ekonomi DestekE-kitapNon-FictionPolitika / EkonomiBiyografiler, OtobiyografilerBilimToplumEkonomi – Genelİşletme YönetimiEkonomiPara, Bankacılık, BorsaEmlakÇeşitli1.018 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Raymond J. Learsy: Oil and Finance These political essays, which originally appeared in the Huffington Post, chronicle the financial and environment malfeasance of the oil industry during the last five years. Oil is a commodity that i … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €10.99 Phillip Torsrud: America Unraveled Most Americans are concerned about their politicians inability to identify, much less solve their nations problems. America Unraveled explores a number of Americas most pressing social issues, the ec … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €4.49 Simon Kuper: Chums Now with a new chapter on the end of the chumocracy era – and Oxford’s upcoming elite for 2050. THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER AND TIMES BEST BOOK OF 2022 A TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT BEST BOOK OF 2023 P … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €10.99 Kent E. Calder: Circles of Compensation Japan grew explosively and consistently for more than a century, from the Meiji Restoration until the collapse of the economic bubble in the early 1990s. Since then, it has been unable to restart its … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €32.99 Faizal Bin Yahya: SINGAPORE PERSPECTIVES 2011 The Singapore Perspectives series is a yearly publication that provides critical analysis of emerging trends and issues Singapore faces in terms of social, economic and political development. It is a … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €34.99 Jacob W. Chikuhwa: Zimbabwe:The End of the First Republic Dr Jacob Chikuhwa continues with his academic analysis of both the political and economic developments in Zimbabwe. Supported by well researched historical narrative and economic data, Zimbabwe: The … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €5.49 Aleksandr Bezgodov: Planetary Rent The research monograph Planetary Rent as an Instrument for Solving Global Problems is by Professor Aleksandr V. Bezgodov, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural S … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €5.49 Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka This report documents Sri Lanka’s financial management systems covering budgeting, funds flow, accounting and reporting, and auditing systems. It provides insights into Sri Lanka’s internal control s … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €5.99 Kazakhstan Development Finance Assessment Meeting the 2030 Agenda requires unprecedented investment from different sources of finance, ambitious strategies, and structural reform. In recent years, total available development finance in Kazak … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €5.99 André Hakizimana: Understanding Everyday Governments’ Ways of Job Creation Since the 2008 international economic crisis in the Eurozone countries and North America, much of the debate about a country job creation has been confined to government spending and austerity. Some … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €4.49 Sonraki Sayfa >>> 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×