Genel, Ansiklopediler DestekE-kitapSosyal BilimlerSiyasetGenel, AnsiklopedilerSiyaset BilimiSiyaset Teorisi, Fikirlerin ÖzetiSiyasi SistemSiyaset Bilimi, Politika YönetimiPolitika, EkonomiKarşılaştırmalı PolitikaKalkınma Kuramı, Kalkınma PolitikalarıÇeşitli945 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Fatima El-Issawi: Arab National Media and Political Change This book examines the evolution of national Arab media and its interplay with political change, particularly in emerging democracies in the context of the Arab uprisings. Investigated from a journal … PDF İngilizce €53.49 Catharina Raudvere: Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past This book brings together new perspectives on collective memory in the modern Muslim world. It discusses how memory cultures are established and used at national levels – in official history writing, … PDF İngilizce €96.29 Irene Bruna Seu & Shani Orgad: Caring in Crisis? Humanitarianism, the Public and NGOs Drawing on an original UK-wide study of public responses to humanitarian issues and how NGOs communicate them, this timely book provides the first evidence-based psychosocial account of how and why p … PDF İngilizce €58.84 Andrea Ceron: Social Media and Political Accountability This book illustrates how social media platforms enable us to understand everyday politics and evaluates the extent to which they can foster accountability, transparency and responsiveness. The first … PDF İngilizce €96.29 Ian R. Lamond & Chelsea Reid: The 2015 UK General Election and the 2016 EU Referendum This book brings together the established field of political communication and the emerging field of critical event studies to develop new questions and approaches. Using this combined framework, it … PDF İngilizce €58.84 R. Lexton: Contested Language in Malory’s Morte Darthur Examining Malory’s political language, this study offers a revisionary view of Arthur’s kingship in the Morte Darthur and the role of the Round Table fellowship. Considering a range of historical and … PDF İngilizce €53.49 E. Damianopoulos: The Macedonians Overturning the 20th century’s prevalent view of the Macedonians, Damianopoulos uses three domains of evidence – historical documentation, cognitive self-descriptor reports, and sociocultural feature … PDF İngilizce €128.39 Yanru Chen: Communication Campaigns and National Integration in China’s Market Economy Era This book adopts the method of grounded theory in studying national communication campaigns in China, referred to as propaganda campaigns in the Chinese linguistic context. The study provides an expl … PDF İngilizce €53.49 Michael J. Thompson & Gregory Smulewicz-Zucker: Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics is a challenge to contemporary radical politics and political thought. This collection of essays critiques the dominant trends and fig … PDF İngilizce €53.49 I. Wall: France Votes: The Election of François Hollande France Votes analyzes the French elections of 2012 in the context of a France and Europe in crisis. With regard to the economy, Irwin Wall describes the ways in which the country’s adherence to the c … PDF İngilizce €53.49 Sonraki Sayfa >>> 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×