İçerik tablosu
One-Layer Free Boundary Problems with Two Free Boundaries.- New Numerical Solutions for the Brezis-Nirenberg Problem on $$/mathbb{S}^n $$ .- On some Boundary Value Problems for Incompressible Viscous Flows with Shear Dependent Viscosity.- Radiative Heat Transfer in Silicon Purification.- A Decay Result for a Quasilinear Parabolic System.- The Shape of Charged Drops: Symmetrybreaking Bifurcations and Numerical Results.- On the One-dimensional Parabolic Obstacle Problem with Variable Coefficients.- Hardy Potentials and Quasi-linear Elliptic Problems Having Natural Growth Terms.- Recent Advances on Similarity Solutions Arising During Free Convection.- Rellich Relations for Mixed Boundary Elliptic Problems.- Lyapunov-type Inequalities and Applications to PDE.- Gaeta 2004. Elliptic Resonant Problems with a Periodic Nonlinearity.- Harnack Inequality for p-Laplacians on Metric Fractals.- Wave Propagation in Discrete Media.- A Solution of the Heat Equation with a Continuum of Decay Rates.- Finite Volume Scheme for Semiconductor Energy-transport Model.- Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Parabolic Problems with Periodic Data.- Geodesic Computations for Fast and Accurate Surface Remeshing and Parameterization.- On the Newton Body Type Problems.- Some Open Problems on Water Tank Control Systems.- Hölder Estimates for Solutions to a Singular Nonlinear Neumann Problem.- Asymptotic Analysis of the Neumann Problem for the Ukawa Equation in a Thick Multi-structure of Type 3:2:2.- On the Haïm Brezis Pioneering Contributions on the Location of Free Boundaries.- Fractal Conservation Laws: Global Smooth Solutions and Vanishing Regularization.- Stationary and Self-similar Solutions for Coagulation and Fragmentation Equations.- Orlicz Capacities and Applications to PDEs and Sobolev Mappings.- Energy Forms on Non Self-similar Fractals.- Measure Data and Numerical Schemes for Elliptic Problems.- Brezis-Nirenberg Problem and Coron Problem for Polyharmonic Operators.- Local and Global Properties of Solutions of a Nonlinear Boundary Layer Equation.- Mathematical Models of Aggregation: The Role of Explicit Solutions.- Metastable Behavior of Premixed Gas Flames.- Recent Progress on Boundary Blow-up.- Maximum Principle for Bounded Solutions of the Telegraph Equation: The Case of High Dimensions.- Kolmogorov Equations in Physics and in Finance.- Harnack Inequalities and Gaussian Estimates for a Class of Hypoelliptic Operators.- How to Construct Good Measures.- Bifurcation and Asymptotics for Elliptic Problems with Singular Nonlinearity.- A Model for Hysteresis in Mechanics Using Local Minimizers of Young Measures.- The Precise Lp-theory of Elliptic Equations in the Plane.- Essential Spectrum and Noncontrollability of Membrane Shells.- The Porous Medium Equation. New Contractivity Results.- Large Solutions of Elliptic Equations with Strong Absorption.- Relaxation in Presence of Pointwise Gradient Constraints.