The forgotten truths of Celtic Christianity provide a portal into a spiritual way of experiencing the world.
The Celtic Christians beheld the world around them and perceived the divine life of God as upholding every aspect of the material universe. Their prayers and poems, their liturgies and theological interpretations give Christians a sense of faith that is confident in a merciful and infinitely creative, healing God.
In this introduction to Celtic Christian spirituality, Mary Earle presents primary texts from the Celtic Christian tradition—selections from the works of Pelagius, Eriugena and St. Patrick, as well as prayers and poems from Wales, the Outer Hebrides and Ireland. These essential writings direct humanity to read the ‘book of creation’ as well as the Bible, and call us to remember that “matter matters.” Earle’s engaging facing-page commentary explores how faithful Christians and spiritual seekers can take inspiration from this lively tradition’s ways of embodying and living the gospel. Topics include:
- Creation
- Daily life and work
- Incarnation
- Pilgrimage
- Blessing
- Social justice
- Prayer
İçerik tablosu
Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction 1
1. Creation 19
2. Prayer 49
3. Incarnation 69
4. Daily Life and Work 81
5. Soul Friends 103
6. Pilgrimage 109
7. Social Justice 117
8. Blessing as a Way of Life 133
Notes 140
Suggestions for Further Reading 141
Credits 143
Yazar hakkında
John Philip Newell, internationally acclaimed teacher, retreat leader and speaker, is the widely read author of several books, including Listening for the Heartbeat of God, Praying with the Earth and A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth & the Human Soul. Formerly warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, he is now companion theologian for the American Spirituality Center of Casa del Sol at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico and the co-founder of Heartbeat: A Journey Towards Earth’s Wellbeing.