What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on the top of a barn? An eggroll.
What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.
Life without animals just wouldn’t be the same! Saddle up your horse and blaze a trail through the Best Animal Jokes Ever. You’re sure to find some giggles along the way… cows at the movies, ducks eating quackers, sheep doing ewe-turns, rabbits with bad hare days, oh deer!
Share these jokes with your family, friends, and especially your pets. You might get a smile from that playful pup or a grin from your mischievous cat! Whatever you do, don’t expect the cattle to laugh. They’ve herd it all before.
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CHANTELLE GRACE is a witty wordsmith who loves art, music, and competitive games. As she works her way through medical school, she knows it’s important to share the gift of laughter with those around her. When she’s not studying abroad, she makes her home in Prior Lake, Minnesota.