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Keynote.- Hy VM – Hybrid Virtual Machines – Efficient Use of Future Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors.- Processor Design.- How to Enhance a Superscalar Processor to Provide Hard Real-Time Capable In-Order SMT.- Complexity-Effective Rename Table Design for Rapid Speculation Recovery.- An Embedded GC Module with Support for Multiple Mutators and Weak References.- Embedded Systems.- A Hierarchical Distributed Control for Power and Performances Optimization of Embedded Systems.- Autonomic Workload Management for Multi-core Processor Systems.- Firefly Flashing Synchronization as Inspiration for Self-synchronization of Walking Robot Gait Patterns Using a Decentralized Robot Control Architecture.- Organic Computing and Self-organization.- The Jo Sch Ka System: Organic Job Distribution in Heterogeneous and Unreliable Environments.- On Deadlocks and Fairness in Self-organizing Resource-Flow Systems.- Ad-Hoc Information Spread between Mobile Devices: A Case Study in Analytical Modeling of Controlled Self-organization in IT Systems.- Processor Design and Transactional Memory.- MLP-Aware Instruction Queue Resizing: The Key to Power-Efficient Performance.- Exploiting Inactive Rename Slots for Detecting Soft Errors.- Efficient Transaction Nesting in Hardware Transactional Memory.- Energy Management in Distributed Environments and Ad-Hoc Grids.- Decentralized Energy-Management to Control Smart-Home Architectures.- Energy Saving Cluster Roll: Power Saving System for Clusters.- Effect of the Degree of Neighborhood on Resource Discovery in Ad Hoc Grids.- Performance Modelling and Benchmarking.- Compiler-Directed Performance Model Construction for Parallel Programs.- A Method for Accurate High-Level Performance Evaluation of MPSo C Architectures Using Fine-Grained Generated Traces.- Jet Bench: An Open Source Real-time Multiprocessor Benchmark.- Accelerators and GPUs.- A Tightly Coupled Accelerator Infrastructure for Exact Arithmetics.- Optimizing Stencil Application on Multi-thread GPU Architecture Using Stream Programming Model.