How can love grow and turn our marriageinto a lasting picture of that love?
There is no better way to begin than to get a solid grasp of what our commitment means.
In this book, Cindy David offers us a roadmap with 35 daily promises for marriage to help us navigate the true meaning of our commitment and guide us into strengthening it.
Presented with clear, practical steps, these promises help us see that commitment is not just mustering the courage to say ‘I do’ on our wedding day but also faithfully carrying out the things we need to do for our marriage every day. These promises show us how we can become proactive instead of reactive to the circumstances and emotions that affect our marriage.
Beautifully written and effectively brought into perspective as if they’re our own personal guidelines, each of these promises teaches us how we can align our actions with our beliefs and centre our motivation around the desire to please and honour God in our marriage.
Do you want to make a strong and lasting commitment?
What It Means When I Say ‘I Do’ is the book to show you how.
İçerik tablosu
The Power of a Promise11
Prayer 17
Call off the search18
Make you and our marriage my top priority22
Go the extra mile for you26
Help you carry your burdens30
Consult you in any important decisions I need to make34
Always say ‘I love you’38
Only have eyes for you42
Take good care of you46
Get to know you well50
Allow space in our marriage54
Love my in-laws58
Move away from a life centred around me62
Practice humility66
Make gratitude a way of life70
Practise good stewardship74
Never take myself for granted78
Help make our home our little haven of rest82
Keep communication alive in our marriage90
Set reasonable expectations94
Accept our differences98
Allow us to be each other’s guide102
Not say any hurtful words to you106
Overcome anger110
Help you overcome your anger114
Not let the sun go down on my anger118
Fight the good fight124
Build trust in our marriage128
Rebuild trust in our marriage (when trust is broken)130
Learn the art of forgiveness134
Accept change as part of married life138
Laugh, play and have fun with you142
Stay with you146
Pray for you and our marriage150
Grow and become a better person for you and for God154
Finding the strength to keep your promises161
Thank you167
More scriptures169
About the author178
Yazar hakkında
Cindy David is a published author and has written on a wide range of topics including relationships, marriage, communication and personal finances – mostly within the context of her Christian faith. She enjoys writing short devotionals and shares them on her social platforms and website, She is an active member of the New Zealand Christian Writers. With George, her husband of more than thirty years, she has three children and lives in Auckland, New Zealand.