Curated from his writings for Graphic Policy–covering everything from a childhood love of superheroes to an ongoing exploration of more mature comics and geeky experiences–CJ Standal offers deep analysis into one of the hottest media today and the life of those who grew up loving that medium: comics.
A former high school English teacher, one who created and ran a graphic novel class, Standal reflects on his experiences designing and teaching such a unique course. Get in on the ground floor of one of the most exciting movements in education!
A critically acclaimed comic creator in the last five years, Standal covers the process of creating a comic: taking an idea from outline to script to comic page. Not only that, but Standal walks the reader through the steps of publication and running a successful Kickstarter.
With something for everyone–autobiographical essays on being a geek, analysis of some of the medium’s best stories and movements, a guide on how to produce and sell comics–Outside the Panels is a treat for casual readers, educators, and creators alike!
İçerik tablosu
Outside the Panels
The Trouble with Books
E or Not to E (Book)?
The Wire: It’s Not TV, It’s Not Even HBO–It’s Better
James Robinson’s Starman: The Unrepentant Collector
Rolling Blackouts: People Over Politics
The Forbidden Chamber: An Interview with Sarah Searle About Gothic Tales of Haunted Love
A Ghost of a Chance: An Interview with Hien Pham About Gothic Tales of Haunted Love
Hope Nicholson Talks Gothic Tales of Haunted Love
History of Informational Comics: World War II and Post-War Government Comics
Comic Collecting–Hoarding?
Objet D’Art: The Standard of Ur
The Classroom
Opening the Doors to Comics in the Classroom
Comics in the Classroom Revisited: Looking on the Sunnier Side of Teaching Graphic Novels
Leaving the Comics Classroom
Exercises in Cartooning
The Creative Life
Creating Rebirth of the Gangster (Parts 1-9)
The Seeds of Rebirth of the Gangster: Pruning the Comic’s Family Tree of Influences
Big Fish in a Small Con
Small Fish in a Big Con (Parts 1 and 2)
Running a Successful Kickstarter
Yazar hakkında
Rebirth of the Gangster was CJ’s first comic work, but he has been active as a writer in other contexts before that and will shortly release B.A.E. Wulf from Markosia Publishing. He wrote for the now-defunct Slant and is now writing for Graphic Policy; he also writes a blog at his own site, He used to teach high school English, including a class on graphic novels, bringing his lifelong love of comics to academia; now, he writes and works with software full-time. When not writing, he can be found snuggling up for a good read next to his girlfriend and cat in Wisconsin.