Find, apply for, and win grant dollars for the classroom
This accessible guide offers a proven, step-by-step process for
researching, writing, applying for, and winning education grants.
The book educates readers on the basics of grant writing, including
what sources are the most reliable for securing education funding.
It also serves as a practice tool, with worksheets, proposal
templates, real-world examples, and advice from grant-winning
teachers to help instill confidence about navigating this somewhat
daunting process.
* Offers a proven formula for winning education grants in clear,
step-by-step instructions
* Includes a wealth of handy tools, worksheets, templates, and
teacher-tested advice
* Outlines the four main components of money-generating education
* Based on UNITE’s celebrated ‘Grant Writing Teacher’
Professional Development series
The book’s step-by-step process is filled with illustrative
examples of successful grant proposals.
İçerik tablosu
Acknowledgments ix
The Authors xi
About UNITE xiii
Foreword xv
Gregory Michie
Introduction xvii
First Period: Grants 101 1
Second Period: Composition 19
Third Period: Creative Writing 37
Fourth Period: Economics 67
Fifth Period: Personal Finance 93
Sixth Period: Statistics 107
Seventh Period: Communication 127
Appendix A: Templates and Worksheets 139
Project or Program Planning Template 139
Proficient Example: Needs Statement 141
Example of a Likert Survey Template 143
Practice Worksheet: Word Count I 144
Practice Worksheet: Word Count II 146
Practice Worksheet: Needs Statement 148
Practice Worksheet: Budget Categories: Fourth Period 149
Practice Worksheet: Ledger Activity: Fifth Period 151
Answer Worksheet: Word Counts I and II 153
Answer Worksheet: Needs Statement 155
Answer Worksheet: Budget Categories: Fourth Period 157
Answer Worksheet: Ledger Activity: Fifth Period 159
Appendix B: Resources 161
Comprehensive Chapter Review Guide 161
Exit Ticket Answers 165
Fifty Classroom and School Grants 167
Flowchart: The Grant-Writing Process 170
Grant-Reviewing Committee: Proposal Evaluation Rubric 171
Request for Proposal: Health Awareness Evaluation Rubric 171
Complete Proposal: Instructional Unit 173
Example of a Classroom Instructional Unit Grant 182
Example of a Teacher Travel Grant 186
Example of a Final Report of a Grant-Supported Program 194
Index 197
Yazar hakkında
Dakota Pawlicki is founder and board president of UNITE (Urban Needs in Teacher Education). The co-author of a multimillion-dollar federal Teacher Quality Partnership grant received in 2009, he works in urban teacher preparation for Illinois State University.
Chase James, executive director of UNITE and history department chair at Collins Academy High School in Chicago, has experience writing and editing grant proposals ranging from small classroom projects to multimillion-dollar programsfor schools and nonprofits.