İçerik tablosu
List of contributors, ix
Preface, xiii
Ken J. Gregory
1 An introduction to river science: research and applications, 1
Martin C. Thoms, David J. Gilvear, Malcolm T. Greenwood and Paul J. Wood
Part 1 Fundamental principles of river science
2 An ecosystem framework for river science and management, 15
Michael D. Delong and Martin C. Thoms
3 Fine sediment transport and management, 37
Desmond E. Walling and Adrian L. Collins
4 Linking the past to the present: the use of palaeoenvironmental data for establishing reference conditions for the Water Framework Directive, 61
Ian Foster and Malcolm T. Greenwood
5 Achieving the aquatic ecosystem perspective: integrating interdisciplinary approaches to describe instream ecohydraulic processes, 84
John M. Nestler, Claudio Baigún and Ian Maddock
6 Measuring spatial patterns in floodplains: A step towards understanding the complexity of floodplain ecosystems, 103
Murray Scown, Martin C. Thoms and Nathan R. De Jager
7 Trees, wood and river morphodynamics: results from 15 years research on the Tagliamento River, Italy, 132
Angela M. Gurnell
8 The Milner and Petts (1994) conceptual model of community structure within glacier-fed rivers: 20 years on, 156
Alexander M. Milner
9 Remote sensing: mapping natural and managed river corridors from the micro to the network scale, 171
David J. Gilvear, Peter Hunter and Michael Stewardson
10 Monitoring the resilience of rivers as social-ecological systems: a paradigm shift for river assessment in the twenty-first century, 197
Melissa Parsons, Martin C. Thoms, Joseph Flotemersch and Michael Reid
Part 2 Contemporary river science
11 Faunal response to fine sediment deposition in urban rivers, 223
Paul J. Wood, Patrick D. Armitage, Matthew J. Hill, Kate L. Mathers and Jonathan Millett
12 Characterising riverine landscapes; history, application and future challenges, 239
Victoria S. Milner, David J. Gilvear and Martin C. Thoms
13 Thermal diversity and the phenology of floodplain aquatic biota, 259
Jack A. Stanford, Michelle L. Anderson, Brian L. Reid, Samantha D. Chilcote and Thomas S. Bansak
14 Microthermal variability in a Welsh upland stream, 279
Laura Gangi, David M. Hannah and Markus Weiler
15 River resource management and the effects of changing landscapes and climate, 295
James A. Gore, James Banning and Andrew F. Casper
16 River restoration: from site-specific rehabilitation design towards ecosystem-based approaches, 313
Jenny Mant, Andy Large and Malcolm Newson
17 Ecosystem services of streams and rivers, 335
J. Alan Yeakley, David Ervin, Heejun Chang, Elise F. Granek, Veronica Dujon, Vivek Shandas and Darrell Brown
18 Managing rivers in a changing climate, 353
Robert L. Wilby
19 Conclusion: The discipline of river science, 372
David J. Gilvear, Malcolm T. Greenwood, Martin C. Thoms and Paul J. Wood
Index, 379