This is a journey through the Bible, which is an exploratory walk rather than a motorway dash.
The large number and diversity of biblical passages dealing with the theme of creation underlines its central importance to the biblical message. As a theologian (whose focus is the Bible) and as an eminent astrophysicist (whose subject is the visible universe) David Wilkinson is well placed to try to capture some of the richness of the biblical portrayal of creation. The key to this portrait, believes David Wilkinson, is to see Father, Son, and Spirit in the beginning, the sustaining, and the new beginning of creation, giving life and love in a generosity beyond our imaginings.
İçerik tablosu
General preface 9
Preface 11
The beginning of creation 15
1. Genesis 1:1-25 The Creator of heaven and earth 17
2. Genesis 1:26 – 2:3 The Creator of human beings 31
3. Genesis 2:4-25 The Creator provides 46
4. Genesis 3:1-24 The Creator rejected 62
The songs of creation 79
5. Proverbs 8:22-36 The wisdom of God 81
6. Psalm 8 The majesty of God 88
7. Psalm 19 The glory of God 96
8. Psalm 148 The universal praise of God 105
The Lord of creation 113
9. Luke 8:22-25 The wind and waves obey him 115
10. John 1:1-18 The Word became flesh 125
11. Colossians 1:15-20 Supreme in all things 140
12. Hebrews 1:1-14 Heir of all things 157
The lessons of creation 167
13. Genesis 9:1-17 A new trust 169
14. Job 38:1 – 42:17 A new understanding 181
15. Isaiah 40:9-31 A new strength 194
16. Acts 17:16-34 A new life 205
The fulfilment of creation 217
17. Isaiah 65:17-25 The Creator of a new heaven and earth 219
18. Romans 8:18-30 The Creator liberates 229
19. 2 Peter 3:3-16 The Creator transforms 244
20. Revelation 21:18 The Creator accepted 257
Appendix 271
Study guide 280
Yazar hakkında
DAVID WILKINSON is the author of God, The Big Bang and Stephen Hawkingand several other books. Professor Wilkinson has earned doctorates in both astrophysics and theology. He is principal of St John’s College Durham, a commentator on popular culture, and a regular contributor to Radio4’s Thought for the Day.