The International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) was formed to p- vide an annual forum dedicated to the emerging and challenging topics in artificial intelligence, machine learning, bioinformatics, and computational biology, etc. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and ind- try to share ideas, problems and solutions related to the multifaceted aspects of intelligent computing. ICIC 2008, held in Shanghai, China, September 15–18, 2008, constituted the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing. It built upon the success of ICIC 2007, ICIC 2006 and ICIC 2005 held in Qingdao, Kunming and Hefei, China, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. This year, the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference was “Emerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications”. Papers focusing on this theme were solicited, addressing theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology.
İçerik tablosu
Evolutionary Computing and Genetic Algorithms.- Adaptive Routing Algorithm in Wireless Communication Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithm.- A New GA – Based and Graph Theory Supported Distribution System Planning.- Sequencing Mixed-Model Assembly Lines with Limited Intermediate Buffers by a GA/SA-Based Algorithm.- Solving Vehicle Routing Problem Using Ant Colony and Genetic Algorithm.- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.- A Research on the Association of Pavement Surface Damages Using Data Mining.- An Integrated Method for GML Application Schema Match.- Application of Classification Methods for Forecasting Mid-Term Power Load Patterns.- Design of Fuzzy Entropy for Non Convex Membership Function.- Higher-Accuracy for Identifying Frequent Items over Real-Time Packet Streams.- Privacy Preserving Sequential Pattern Mining in Data Stream.- Methods of Computing Optimization.- A General k-Level Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem.- Fourier Series Chaotic Neural Networks.- Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Flow in Nozzle of DIA Jet.- Shape Matching Based on Ant Colony Optimization.- Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing.- A Simulation Study on Fuzzy Markov Chains.- A Tentative Approach to Minimal Reducts by Combining Several Algorithms.- Ameliorating GM (1, 1) Model Based on the Structure of the Area under Trapezium.- Comparative Study with Fuzzy Entropy and Similarity Measure: One-to-One Correspondence.- Low Circle Fatigue Life Model Based on ANFIS.- New Structures of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Groups.- Intelligent Computing in Pattern Recognition.- An Illumination Independent Face Verification Based on Gabor Wavelet and Supported Vector Machine.- Hardware Deblocking Filter and Impact.- Medical Image Segmentation Using Anisotropic Filter, User Interaction and Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM).- Medical Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM), Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) and User Interaction.- New Data Pre-processing on Assessing of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Line Based Normalization Method (LBNM).- Recognition of Plant Leaves Using Support Vector Machine.- Region Segmentation of Outdoor Scene Using Multiple Features and Context Information.- Two-Dimensional Partial Least Squares and Its Application in Image Recognition.- Intelligent Computing in Bio/Cheminformatics.- A Novel Method of Creating Models for Finite Element Analysis Based on CT Scanning Images.- Accelerating Computation of DNA Sequence Alignment in Distributed Environment.- Predicting Protein Function by Genomic Data-Mining.- Tumor Classification Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization.- Intelligent Control and Automation.- A Visual Humanoid Teleoperation Control for Approaching Target Object.- An Intelligent Monitor System for Gearbox Test.- Development of Simulation Software for Coal-Fired Power Units Based on Matlab/Simulink.- Inconsistency Management.- Neural Network-Based Adaptive Optimal Controller – A Continuous-Time Formulation.- On Improved Performance Index Function with Enhanced Generalization Ability and Simulation Research.- Intelligent Fault Diagnosis.- A Fault Diagnosis Approach for Rolling Bearings Based on EMD Method and Eigenvector Algorithm.- An Adaptive Fault-Tolerance Agent Running on Situation-Aware Environment.- Dynamic Neural Network-Based Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT) Fault Detection and Isolation for Formation Flying of Satellites.- Model-Based Neural Network and Wavelet Packets Decomposition on Damage Detecting of Composites.- Intelligent Computing in Communication.- A High Speed Mobile Courier Data Access System That Processes Database Queries in Real-Time.- A Scalable Qo S-Aware Vo D Resource Sharing Scheme for Next Generation Networks.- Brain Mechanisms for Making, Breaking, and Changing Rules.- Implementation of a Landscape Lighting System to Display Images.- Intelligent Sensor Networks.- Probability-Based Coverage Algorithm for 3D Wireless Sensor Networks.- Simulating an Adaptive Fault Tolerance for Situation-Aware Ubiquitous Computing.- A Hybrid CARV Architecture for Pervasive Computing Environments.- Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals.- Image and Its Semantic Role in Search Problem.- Color Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Efficient Preprocessing and Support Vector Machines.- Multiple Ranker Method in Document Retrieval.- Special Session on Image Processing, Analysis, and Vision Technology Based Intelligent Robot Systems.- An Elimination Method of Light Spot Based on Iris Image Fusion.- An Improved Model of Producing Saliency Map for Visual Attention System.- Multiple Classification of Plant Leaves Based on Gabor Transform and LBP Operator.- Research on License Plate Detection Based on Wavelet.- Stereo Correspondence Using Moment Invariants.- The Application of the Snake Model in Carcinoma Cell Image Segment.- Special Session on Data Mining and Fusion in Bioinformatics.- Data Clustering and Evolving Fuzzy Decision Tree for Data Base Classification Problems.- Multivariate Polynomials Estimation Based on Gradient Boost in Multimodal Biometrics.- Special Session on Advances in Multidimensional Signal Processing.- An Introduction to Volterra Series and Its Application on Mechanical Systems.- Skin Detection from Different Color Spaces for Model-Based Face Detection.- Other Topics.- Applying Frequent Episode Algorithm to Masquerade Detection.- An Agent-Based Intelligent CAD Platform for Collaborative Design.- Design of a Reliable Qo S Requirement Based on RCSM by Using MASQ Architecture.- Minimization of the Disagreements in Clustering Aggregation.- Prediction of Network Traffic Using Multiscale-Bilinear Recurrent Neural Network with Adaptive Learning.- Replay Attacks on Han et al.’s Chaotic Map Based Key Agreement Protocol Using Nonce.- The Short-Time Multifractal Formalism: Definition and Implement.- Modified Filled Function Method for Resolving Nonlinear Integer Programming Problem.