Denis Lacorne is a senior research fellow with the CERI (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales) at Sciences Po, Paris. A frequent commentator on American politics in the French press and on French television, his books include With Us or Against Us: Studies in Global Anti-Americanism and Language, Nation, and State: Identity Politics in a Multilingual Age, both with Tony Judt.Tony Judt (1948–2010) was the Erich Maria Remarque Professor in European Studies at New York University and director of its Erich Maria Remarque Institute. His last book was The Memory Chalet.
4 Ebooks tarafından Denis Lacorne
Denis Lacorne: Religion in America
Denis Lacorne identifies two competing narratives defining the American identity. The first narrative, derived from the philosophy of the Enlightenment, is essentially secular. Associated with the Fo …
Denis Lacorne: The Limits of Tolerance
The modern notion of tolerance—the welcoming of diversity as a force for the common good—emerged in the Enlightenment in the wake of centuries of religious wars. First elaborated by philosophers such …
Collectif & Denis Lacorne: La politique de Babel
A une époque où l”anglais est en passe de devenir la langue véhiculaire des pays de l”Union, sans qu”il y ait jamais eu de politique linguistique européenne clairement formulée, il est important d …
Amandine Barb & Denis Lacorne: Les politiques du blasphème
Le délit de blasphème n’existe plus dans la plupart des démocraties européennes. Mais les usages du blasphème, comme instrument de dénonciation des insultes faites à la religion, restent fréquents. I …