Yazar: Dilip Kumar Pratihar

Dr. Abhijit Mahapatra received  B.E. and M.Tech. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from B.E. College (now, BESU), Shibpur, India,  and NIT Durgapur, India,  in 2002 and 2008, respectively. He received his Ph.D. from NIT Durgapur, India, in 2018. He is currently working as a Senior Scientist in the Advanced Design and Analysis Group at CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur, India. Dr. Mahapatra has published a number of research papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings and filed several patents in the area of product development. His current research interests include design & analysis, multi-body dynamics, and modelling and simulating legged robots. Dr. Shibendu Shekhar Roy received B.E. and M.Tech. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from NIT, Durgapur. He also holds a Ph.D. from IIT, Kharagpur, India. He is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs & Outreach) at the National Institute of Technology, Durgapur. Dr. Roy has published more than 68 papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings, as well as 4 book chapters, and has filed a number of patents in the area of product development. His current research interests include modelling and simulating legged robots, soft robotics, rehabilitation robotics, additive manufacturing and 3D printing on macro- and micro-scales. Dr. Dilip Kumar Pratihar completed his  B.E. and M. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering at NIT, Durgapur, India,  in 1988 and 1995, respectively. He received his Ph.D. from IIT Kanpur in 2000. Dr. Pratihar pursued postdoctoral studies in Japan and then in Germany under the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Program. He is currently working as a Professor at IIT Kharagpur, India. His research areas include robotics, soft computing and manufacturing science. He has made significant contributions in the development of intelligent autonomous systems in various fields, including robotics, and manufacturing science. He has published more than 230 papers, mostly in international journals,  and is on the editorial board of 12 international journals. He is a member of the FIE, MASME and SMIEEE. He has completed a number of sponsored (funded by DST, DAE, MHRD, DBT) and consultancy projects and is a member of Expert Committee of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DST, Government of India.

4 Ebooks tarafından Dilip Kumar Pratihar

Dilip Kumar Pratihar: Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) are the physical embodiment of machine intelligence providing a core concept for integrating various advanced techno- gies with pattern recognition and learning. …
Leijun Li & Dilip Kumar Pratihar: Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
This book gathers outstanding papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAMME 2019), held at KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, …
Abhijit Mahapatra & Shibendu Shekhar Roy: Multi-body Dynamic Modeling of Multi-legged Robots
This book describes the development of an integrated approach for generating the path and gait of realistic hexapod robotic systems. It discusses in detail locomation with straight-ahead, crab and tu …
Pushpendra Gupta & Faiz Iqbal: Biomedical Robots and Devices in Healthcare
Biomedical Robots and Devices in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Applications explores recent advances and challenges involved in using these techniques in healthcare and biomedic …