This edited volume is an in-depth collation of the usage of different quantitative decision making techniques in practical areas such as lean & green supply chain, reverse logistics, perishable logistics, closed loop supply chain, sustainable project management, retail management, block chain applications, optimal supplier selection problem, demand/supply modelling, forecasting under uncertainties, scheduling & sequencing, resource constraint logistics, dynamic network supply chain, risk evaluation, and so on. Additionally, the book also solves these issues in theoretical and practical context using innovative mathematical tools.
Consisting of selected papers from the 23rd Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, this book’s highlight is not only the coverage of interesting topics, but also how these topics are dealt with, such that post-graduate students as well as researchers and industry personnel working in areas like engineering, economics, social sciences, management, mathematics, etc., can derive the maximum benefit by reading or referring to this book. Apart from the emphasis on new mathematical, operations research, operations management, and statistical techniques, the authors also ensure that all the concepts are made clear by highlighting their practical significance in different areas of applications of operations management. By using novel presentation methods, the book offers a good practical flavor of all the different topics relevant to operations management in the coming decades.
İçerik tablosu
Modeling Reverse Logistics Network for Post-Sale Service Under International Ecosystem.- Sustainable Parallel Machine Scheduling: Trade-Off Between Tardiness And Energy Consumption.- Modeling A Coordinated Supply Chain Under Service Level Constraint With Price-Sensitive Stochastic Demand And Discrete Transportation Lead Time.- A Course Timetabling Problem.- Vehicle Routing Problem For Organized Health Care Waste Collection And Optimization: A Case Study Of Varanasi.- Modelling The Route Design In Animal Husbandry Supply Chain.- The PRV Problem – Solution And Extensions.- Nurse Staffing And Scheduling Optimization Solution For A Healthcare Service Industry.- Mathematical Modelling And Simulation Of Sawmill Operations With A View To Improve Occupational Health And Productivity.- Duopoly Airline Network Design Decisions: A Case Of Co-Opetition.- Robust Multi-Objective Solution Approach For Multiple Quality Characteristic Optimization Problems.- Production Planning And Control Of A Hybrid MTS/MTO Production Network Model Using Asymmetric Loss Function.- Joint Optimization Of Airline Pricing And Seat Allocation Under Choice-Based Demand.- Manpower Planning In A Hyper-Local Food Delivery Organization: A Case Study.- Optimizing Multimodal Transportation Problem For Efficient Parcel Movement In Courier Industry.- Optimization Of Quality Of Life Index With alpha-Level Of Significance Of Linear Constraints.- Reducing Patient Waiting Time In A Primary Health Network Using Location-Allocation Model.- Quality And Pricing Decisions Of Web Based Applications.- Measuring Sustainability Efficiency Of Fast Moving Consumers Goods Companies Using DEA Model.- A Novel Two-Stage Network DEA Approach To Estimate Production Efficiency Of The Bus Transportation System.- A Data Envelopment Approach For Energy Efficient Habitats.- Deep Learning And Cross-Temporal Hierarchies Based Framework For Demand Forecasting.- Application Of Deep Learning For Throughput Forecasting In Container Supply Chain.- A Machine Learning Model For Forecasting Domestic Lpg Demand.- A Model To Identify Predictors Of Demand For Regional Air-Transport.- How Many People In Your Party? – An Experimental Research To Predict Consumer Demand In Restaurants.- Prioritization And Evaluation Of Barriers To Implement CSCM Using Fuzzy-AHP.- Analysis Of Issues Of ELV Management In India: A Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach.- A Game Theoretic Analysis Of Carbon Emission And Congestion Cost In The Presence Of Competition Between Airlines.- Pricing Decision Of A Two-Sided Platform With Heterogeneous Sellers.- A Clarke And Wright Based Heuristic Approach For Implementing Recall Of Utility Products.- A Heuristic Approach To Fixed Budget Tourist Trip Design Problem.- A Lagrangian Approach For Solving The Team Orienteering Problem With Non-Identical Agents.- Material Flow Optimisation Of A Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem In A Manufacturing Plant By Using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm.- A Modified Ant Algorithm Integrates Real-Life Road Constraints In Vehicle Routing Under Uncertain Environments: A Case Study Of E-Commerce Courier Companies In India.- A Long Horizon Stochastic Inventory Routing Problem For Liquid Nitrogen Delivery.- An Optimization Model For A Dairy Co-Operative For Sustainable Operations For Milk Collection.- The Shapley Value Based Compliance Table For Ambulance Repositioning.- Waiting Time Reduction In A Hospital Outpatient Clinic Using Flexsim Simulation.- Agent Based Simulation Of RFID Potential In Aircraft Reverse Logistics.- Sustainable Mobility Project Selection Using A Fuzzy Axiomatic Design Based Approach.- An Internal Credit Scoring Model For SMEs Using BWM And TOPSIS.- The Value Of Time Of Use (To U) Pricing In A Grid With Significant Renewable Energy Supply: Does It Co-Ordinate?.
Yazar hakkında
Dr. Diptesh Ghosh is a professor in the area of Production and Quantitative Methods Area in Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. After completing his BTech from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Dr. Ghosh went on to complete a fellowship (equivalent to Ph D) from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. Prior to his stint at IIM Ahmedabad, Dr. Ghosh taught at IIM Lucknow (India) and University of Groningen (The Netherlands). His core areas of interest are combinatorial optimization, especially in metaheuristics for facility location and layout problems.
Dr. Avijit Khanra is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Dr. Khanra has a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Jadavpur University. After working for Tata Motors in their Manufacturing wing, Dr. Khanra obtained his Fellow degree (equivalent to Ph D) from IIM Ahmedabad. His areas of research interest are inventory control, supply chain management, production scheduling, and analysis of queues.
Dr. S.V. Vanamalla is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Dr. Vanamalla obtained her Ph D from the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) after completing her Master of Philosophy in Mathematics from University of Madras. Her areas of research interest are applied operations research, optimization and game theory.
Dr. Faiz Hamid is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He has a BTech in Computer Science from West Bengal University of Technology and a Fellowship (equivalent to Ph D) from IIM Lucknow. His areas of interest are network optimization, combinatorial optimization, applications of fuzzy logic, data mining, and recommender systems.
Dr. Raghu Nandan Sengupta is professor and Head of Department, Department of Industrial & Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He has a Fellowship from IIM Calcutta. He has attended various fellowship programs and held visiting faculty positions at institutes such as Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) from the University of Lisbon (UTL), Portugal, Informatics and Mechanics University of Warsaw, Poland, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, and Princeton University, USA. His areas of research interest are sequential estimation, statistical and mathematical reliability theory, risk analysis, optimization techniques in finance, and meta heuristic techniques.