Yazar: Elmer Wheeler

Elmer Wheeler (1903-1968): Autor, orador y experto en ventas. Nacido en Rochester, Nueva York, Elmer Wheeler residió en Dallas, Texas, durante más de 30 años y residió allí hasta el momento de su muerte en octubre del año 1968. Su frase “No venda la tajada; venda su sabor” se transformó en una filosofía empresarial que condujo a la creación de un laboratorio de palabras conocido como “Sizzle Labs”, para pesar y medir la capacidad relativa de las palabras para motivar a las personas. Más de 125 universidades, escuelas de negocios e individuos enseñan los métodos de Sizzle Lab. Hombres y mujeres de la Fuerza Aérea reciben capacitación mensual en los métodos de Sizzle Lab. Marine Corps también usan sus métodos para reclutar. Incluso los presos federales toman su curso en los centros de rehabilitación. Como conferencista, Wheeler ganó el primer y único Oscar que alguna vez se otorgó a un orador público. En el Dallas Cotton Bowl atrajo a 20, 000 vendedores, tenedores de libros, secretarias y otros para aprender cómo hacer más amigos y conseguir más ventas. Dio conferencias para más de 50 Clubes de Ventas Americanos, los Jaycees y las cámaras de comercio.

11 Ebooks tarafından Elmer Wheeler

Elmer Wheeler: Tested Sentences That Sell
Why the Sizzle Sells the Steak To understand advertising, you need to understand salesmanship. Both are filled with mis-steps, gimmicks, and frauds. Advertising is widely understood to be "Sales …
Elmer Wheeler: Tested Sentences that Sell
This book describes the simple but effective methods that Elmer Wheeler has used in making two sales grow where only one grew before.The author is sales consultant for scores of prominent firms. He h …
Elmer Wheeler: Elmer Wheeler’s Tested Public Speaking [Second Edition]
Originally published in 1947, this is the Second Edition of "Elmer Wheeler’s Tested Public Speaking" (1939). Brought up to date, it incorporates revised material based on Wheeler’s further …
Elmer Wheeler: Sizzlemanship: New Tested Selling Sentences
More Than 2, 000 Successful Selling Pitches to Command Instant Attention and Buying Action From the man who sold the sizzle instead of the steak-whose best-selling books have made history both in sel …
Elmer Wheeler: Word Magic
About ten years ago, a newspaper man developed an idea for increasing sales through a more effective use of words. Now, Elmer Wheeler, its originator, has put into this new book the fundamental princ …
Elmer Wheeler: Fat Boy’s Book
Where and Why The Fat Boy’s Book was written…Sitting quietly at Chambers of Commerce luncheons and banquets, waiting my turn on the lecture platform, gave me the idea of the need for a Fat Boy’s Bo …
Elmer Wheeler: How To Make Your Sales Sizzle in 17 Days
If you want to improve your present selling ability…..If you need a "brushing up job, " after the past few non-selling years…..Or if you are in another business and feel you want to ent …
Elmer Wheeler: How To Put Yourself Across
This is Elmer’s newest book. It is his best yet. It will bring you up to date on all the methods, techniques and strategy used, not only in America to win friends, but from around the world.He consta …
Elmer Wheeler: How to Tap Your Hidden Sources of Energy
EVERYONE HAS A PLIMSOLL MARKThe white line you see on cargo ships and many ocean liners is called the Plimsoll Mark and tells when the ship is being overloaded. If a load is too heavy, it causes the …
Elmer Wheeler: Frases que Venden
Este clásico y exitoso libro de marketing y ventas del legendario Elmer Wheeler (alguna vez considerado el mejor vendedor del mundo) fue publicado originalmente en 1937. En su momento superó en venta …