The work presented here is a result of an extended collaboration with a number of coworkers and guests. Particularly, I would like to thank Dr. P. Burkhard and Dr. W. Strub for their careful work performed for their Ph. D. thesis and Dr. M. Heming for his brilliant ideas and his dedication. Very fruitful and stimulating were collaborations with our guests, i. e. with G. A. Brinkman and P. W. F. Louwrier from NIKHEF-K in Amsterdam, B. C. Webster, M. J. Ramos and D. Mc Kenna from th...
The work presented here is a result of an extended collaboration with a number of coworkers and guests. Particularly, I would like to thank Dr. P. Burkhard and Dr. W. Strub for their careful work performed for their Ph. D. thesis and Dr. M. Heming for his brilliant ideas and his dedication. Very fruitful and stimulating were collaborations with our guests, i. e. with G. A. Brinkman and P. W. F. Louwrier from NIKHEF-K in Amsterdam, B. C. Webster, M. J. Ramos and D. Mc Kenna from the University of Glasgow, M. C. R. Symons, D. Geeson and C. J. Rhodes from the University of Leicester, S. F. J. Cox and C. A. Scott from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Chilton, and R. De Renzi and M. Ricco from the University of Parma. Many invaluable discussions with friends and competitors in the field helped to address new viewpoints and to define new goals. I shall not forget my teacher and director of the radical chemistry group, Prof. H. Fischer, whom I wish to thank for his interest and active support and for the great liberty he allowed me for the planning and organization of the project. Last but not least, I thank my dear wife Hanny and our children Christian, Martin and Andrea who suffered, without complaint, daddy’s absence for so many hours.