Eight minibooks in one volume cover every important aspect of Linux and everything you need to know to pass level-1 certification
Linux All-in-One For Dummies explains everything you need to get up and running with the popular Linux operating system. Written in the friendly and accessible For Dummies style, the book ideal for new and intermediate Linux users, as well as anyone studying for level-1 Linux certification. The eight minibooks inside cover the basics of Linux, interact...
İçerik tablosu
Introduction 1
Book I: Getting Started with Linux 7
Chapter 1: Introducing Linux 9
Chapter 2: Installing Linux 29
Chapter 3: Troubleshooting and Configuring Linux...
Yazar hakkında
Emmett Dulaney has authored over thirty books, includingthe Comp TIA Security+ Guide, 3rd Edition.He is the former Director of Training for Mercury Technical Solution...