Master’s Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Chemistry – General, grade: 4.0, Mansoura University, language: English, abstract: Iron-overload disorder (hemochromatosis) is one of the major reasons of morbidity, caused by genetic disorder of protein involved in regulation of iron absorption or due to multiple transfusion of iron in chronic anemia for example thalassemia. Resulting in initiation and propagation reactive oxygen species which attacking macromolecules of cells such as proteins, lipids, RNA and DNA and ultimately cells death. Leading to a state of oxidative stress associated with many of health problems such as heart failure, liver cirrhosis, fibrosis, gallbladder disorders, diabetes, arthritis, infertility, and cancer. The available chelators drugs can forming soluble, stable complexes with excessive iron andexcreted it in the feces and/or urine. But due to, their high cost, severe side effects, poor oralbioavailability or short plasma half-life make them suboptimal.
Sixteen plant leaves were collected, authenticated and subjected to exhausted extraction by 70% methanol. The obtained leaves extracts were screened for their iron chelation activity using 2, 2`- bipyridyl assay. Among the screened extracts, the Mangiferaindica leaves showed the highest iron chelation activity(69.71 ± 0.27%)comparable to positive control, EDTA(70.30 ± 0.08%).
The total extract of the M. indica leaves was partitioned with different solvents (petroleum ether, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and n-butanol). The resultingfractions were screened for their iron chelation activity using 2, 2`- bipyridyl assay.Et OAcfractionhad the significant chelating activity (123 ± 2.75%), more potent than EDTA(64.12 ± 1.48%) and total extract of M. indica leaves (69.71 ± 0.27%).
The mangiferin compound was subjected to comparison with desferal® to assurance the quality of its chelating activity throughdetermine the active sites responsible of its chelating property and evaluation the effect of its iron-stable complex on its antioxidant activity.
According to introduced results, through different biological analysis. We found that, the iron-overloaded rats treated with ethyl acetate fraction had significant decreases in iron accumulation within liver and spleen (the major organs affected by iron overload). We assume that, the mangiferin may protect from reactive oxygenspecies-stimulatedseveral of disordersby its iron chelatingactivity which promotes its antioxidant property.
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Professor Farid Badria, (currently an Emeritus Professor in Pharmacognosy De-partment), Ph.D. in Microbial Transformation from the University of Mississippi, USA, and 2 Masters of Science in Pharmacognosy and Cell Biology from Egypt and USA
TWAS-ARO- TWAS-ARO, in “Public Understanding and Popularization of Sci-ence (2013), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Gold Medal as The Best Inventor in Egypt (2011), Recognition Outstanding Award in Medicine (Egypt, 2001), Outstanding Arab Scholar, Kuwait (2000); Khawrazmi Award, Iran (2000), are just to mention some of the awards he received.
Prof. Badria has submitted 43 patents, of which 16 had been granted certificates with intellectual protection for 20 years. With over 200 publica-tions, 8 books, and many review articles, He continues to lead research projects on: developing new therapy for liver disorders, arthritis, skin disor-ders, and biomarkers for cancer.
Research Interests:
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
– Diagnosis of Cancers (Ovarian and Liver)
– Diagnosis of Pathological Disorders of Retina.
– Decision Making of Viral infection of liver.
– Prediction of Health Hazards of Obesity.
– Predication of Developing Liver Cancer
– Optimization of Extraction Methods of Medicinal plants.
– Inhibitors for Aldose reductase for treatment of Cataract
– Inhibitors for Amylase and Glucosidase for treatment of Obesity and Diabetes.
– Inhibitors for Proline hydroxylase for treatment of Liver Fibrosis.
– Inhibitors for Tyrosinase for treatment of Hyperpigmentation.
– Inhibitors for Hyaluronidase for treatment of skin aging
– Inhibitors for Topoisomerase for treatment of cancer
– Inhibitors for Leukotriene Hydrolase for treatment of Inflammatory Disorders (Hepatitis, IBS, Bronchial Asthma)
Developing New Therapy for Liver Disorders
– Hepatoselective Fibrosuppressive Agents from Natural Origin.
– Early Diagnosis and Intervention of Progress of Liver Cancer
– Mechanism of Natural Products on Hepatic Stellate Cells, fatty liver, and HCC.
– Natural Endogenous Interferon Stimulant from Natural Products
– Schistomicidal Agents
Developing New Therapy for Skin Disorders:
– Phytotherapy for Alopecia Aerata
– New Phytotherapy for Hirsutism and Hyperpigmentation disorders
– New Therapy for Amyloidosis
Biomarkers: A New Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma, nephropathy, and liver fibrosis