6 Ebooks tarafından Faure Elie Faure
Jean Capart & Elie Faure: Egyptian art
Egyptian art is perhaps the most impersonal that exists. The artist effaces himself. But he has such an innate sense of life, a sense so directly moved and so limpid that everything of life which he …
Elie Faure & Klaus H. Carl: Greek art
Greek art, at the very moment that it was breaking up in depth, was scattering over the whole material surface of Hellenic antiquity. After the movement of concentration that had brought to Athens al …
Faure Elie Faure & Carl Klaus H. Carl: L’art grec
L’art grecque qu’on situe traditionnellement entre le Xe et le Ier siècle av. J.C., est naturaliste – tout symbolisme lui est étranger. Et si dans son désir d’absolu réalisable, il fait la nature plu …
Elie Faure & Victoria Charles: Memory of Empires: Ancient Egypt – Ancient Greece – Persian Empire – Roman Empire – Byzantine Empire
Empires are born. Empires reach their peak. Empires die, but leave their mark through their architecture and artistic achievements. From these specks of dust of memory, 40 centuries of history shape …
Elie Faure: Paul Cézanne
Cézanne was perhaps the most complex artist of the 19th century. One of the greatest of the Postimpressionists, his works and ideas were crucial to the aesthetic development of many 20th-century arti …
Faure Elie Faure & Charles Victoria Charles: L’art de l’Egypte ancienne. Histoire de l’art
L’art egyptien est peut-etre le plus impersonnel qui soit. L’artiste s’efface. Mais il a un sens inne de la vie, un sens si directement emu et si limpide que tout ce qu’il decrit de la vie semble def …