Yazar: Florian Schui

W. ELLIOT BROWNLEE Professor Emeritus of History, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA MARTIN DAUNTON Professor of Economic History, University of Cambridge, UK ALEXANDER GRAB Professor of History, University of Maine-Orono, USA CHRISTINE LEBEAU Professor of History, University of Paris – Panthéon Sorbonne, France FRANCES M.B. LYNCH Reader in French Studies, University of Westminster, London, UK MIRANDA STEWART Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne Law School, Australia JOSEPH J. THORNDIKE Tax Historian; Analyst, Tax Analysts, Washington, D.C., USA ANDREAS THIER Professor of Law and Legal History, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

4 Ebooks tarafından Florian Schui

Holger Nehring & Florian Schui: Global Debates About Taxation
Current debates about taxes are dominated by references to foreign models. The contributors to this book explore how ideas about taxation were transferred between and within countries from the mid-ei …
Ingo Köhler & Roman Rossfeld: Pleitiers und Bankrotteure
Krisen und Konkurse sind Begleiterscheinungen der Wirtschaftsgeschichte – mit zum Teil weitreichenden Konsequenzen für Unternehmer, Mitarbeiter und die Volkswirtschaft. Ursachen und Folgen eines solc …
Florian Schui: Rebellious Prussians
Prussian discipline is legendary. Central to debates about modern German history is the view that an oppressive Prussian state cast a shadow on the development of civil society. In particular, histor …
Schui Florian Schui: Austerity
In times of economic crisis austerity becomes a rallying cry, but what does history tell us about its chances for success? Austerity is at the center of political debates today. Its defenders praise …