This comprehensive book addresses the complex issues associated with the criminalization of mentally ill offenders in the United States and the ways in which social workers and other mental health professionals can best channel their efforts to create better services and treatment.
Specialists in law enforcement, community-based mental health and outreach, the legal community, the corrections environment, and substance abuse providers present best practices and programs that offer rehabilitation alternatives to mentally ill offenders.
Unique to this volume is the perspective provided by key players of the criminal justice system including a judge, a prosecutor, an advocate, a defense attorney, and a mentally ill offender. The last section provides in-depth research into the challenges of placing the dually-diagnosed offender into alternative-to-incarceration programs.
İçerik tablosu
Part I: Jail/Prison Services for Incarcerted Populations
Lane County Adult Corrections Mental Health Services, Lane County Oregon, R.K. Sherman Oswego Mental Health Forensic Mental Health Program, Oswego, NY, J. Dean Part II: Community-Based Diversion Programs
Section One: Police/Mental Health Linked Programs Overview: The Law Enforcement Response to Social Problems: Mental Health As a Case in Point, G.T. Patterson The Development and Implementation of a Plice/Mental Health Training Program in a Large Urban Environment, M. Rock The Memphis CIT Model, R.T. Dupont and C.S. Cochran The Birmingham Police Department Community Service Officer Unit, V. B. Burnett, B.C. Henderson, S.D. Nolan, et al Section Two: Community Programs Criminal Justice Diversion of Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Use Disorders: An Overview, N. Broner, R. Borum and K. Gawley Jail Diversion in a Managed Care Environment: The Arizona Experience, M. Franczak and M.S. Shafer Friends of Island Academy, B. Navon Browardís Mental Health Court: An Innovative Approach to the Mentally Disabled in the Criminal Justice System, G. Lerner-Wren Preventing Incarceration of Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Project Link, J.S. Lamberti and R.L. Weisman New York Cityís System of Criminal Justice Mental Health Services, S.S. Lamon, N.L. Cohen and N. Broner Part III: Serving Emotionally Disturbed Women
Overview: Working with Women in Jails. Developing a Gender-Based Network of Services for Strengthening Women and Their Families, S. Salasin Marylandís Programs for Incarcerated Women with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders, J. Gillece and B.G. Russell A Gender-Specific Intervention Model for Incarcerated Women: womenís V.O.I.C.E.S. (Validation Opportunity Inspiration Communication Empowerment Safety), K. Decou with S.V. Wright Part IV: Serving the Victims of Mentally Ill Offenders
Elder Abuse and Forensic Mentally Ill Abusers, P. Brownell, J. Berman, A. Salamone, et al Identifying and Addressing the Needs of Victims of Mentally Ill Offenders, G. Landsberg, M. Rock and M. Frank Part V: Perspectives from the Legal System–Issues for Social Workers
A Judgeís Perspective, M.G. Karopkin Social Workers as Advocates for Mentally Ill Criminal Defendants/Inmates, H. Barr Observations of a Criminal Defense Attorney,
M.E. Anderson
Someone Had to Stop the Spinning: The Prosecutorís Role in an Unlikely Alliance Called ìMental Health Courtî, L. Cohen A Personal Experience, S. Wachtler Implementing Kendraís Law, N.L. Cohen, S.S. Lamon and N. Katz ‘