Perhaps it’s a long journey, or you want to get them off their screens? Perhaps it’s a group of restless children and you wish you could catch, hold and reward their attention? You can, and, as you magic from thin air a gripping story, that face-to-face engagement does as good as it feels, boosting their contentment, their concentration and their connection with you and with their peers as you journey together with story.
Your guide is master storyteller Giles Abbott whose work, for over 20 years, has sought to reconnect adults and children with the sheer joy of story. Start your journey here!
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GILES ABBOTT graduated from Oxford with an English degree and four years later, in 1998, he could not see to read or recognise faces. He has lost 80% vision in a few hours. After a year of serious struggle he encountered traditional storytelling – he didn’t need to see it written! He began learning the art of the storyteller and started working as such. By 2005 he had also qualified as a Voice Teacher (MAVS, CSSD) and in addition to storytelling he now works in drama schools in London and teaches international clients to access their best speaking voice. He is a Voice Artist, recording and even winning Gold Medals for his work. He also creates new storytelling shows from traditional and historical/biographical sources, and for the last twenty years has created a new touring show every two years. He loves all his work!