This book is one out of 8 IAEG XII Congress volumes, and deals with the theme of urban geology. Along with a rapidly growing world population, the wave of urban growth continues, causing cities to swell and new metropolitan centers to emerge. These global trends also open new ventures for underground city development. Engineering geology plays a major role in facing the increasing issues of the urban environment, such as: finding aggregates for construction works; providing adequate water supply and waste management; solving building problems associated to geological and geomorphological conditions; evaluating host rock conditions for underground constructions; preventing or mitigating geological and seismic hazards. Furthermore, this book illustrates recent advancements in sustainable land use planning, which includes conservation, protection, reclamation and landscape impact of open pit mining and alternative power generation. The Engineering Geology for Society and Territory volumes of the IAEG XII Congress held in Torino from September 15-19, 2014, analyze the dynamic role of engineering geology in our changing world and build on the four main themes of the congress: environment, processes, issues and approaches. The congress topics and subject areas of the 8 IAEG XII Congress volumes are: 1. Climate Change and Engineering Geology 2. Landslide Processes River Basins 3. Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Resources 4. Marine and Coastal Processes Urban Geology 5. Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation 6. Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects 7. Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology 8. Preservation of Cultural Heritage
İçerik tablosu
Part I Keynote.- Part II Aggregates: The Most Widely Used Raw Material.- Part III Analysis and Control of Ground Deformations by Remote Monitoring.- Part IV Building Stones & Ornamental Rocks—Resource Evaluation, Technical Assessment, Heritage Designation.- Part V Communicating Engineering Geology with Urban Planners.- Part VI Complexity in Hazard and Risk Assessment.- Part VII Engineering Geology in Rural Infrastructure Planning.- Part VIII Engineering Problems in Karst.- Part IX Excavation in Potentially Asbestos-Bearing Rocks: Methodologies for Risk Evaluation and Safety Management.- Part X Experiences and Potentialities of Data-Driven Modeling in Earth Science Issues.- Part XI Geohazard in Urban Scenarios: Forcasting and Protective Monitoring.- Part XII Geo-Hydrological Risk and Town and Country Planning.- Part XIII Landslide and Flood Hazard in Urban Areas: Assessment, Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies.- Part XIV Mapping Urban Subsurface for Geohazard Assessment and Risk Management.- Part XV Off-Fault Coseismic Surface Effects and Their Impact in Urban Areas.- Part XVI Remote Sensing Applications for the Detection, Monitoring, Modeling, and Damage Assessment of Critical Structures and Complex.- Part XVII Surface Fault-Rupture Hazard in Urban Areas.- Part XVIII The Seismic Microzonation: Input Data, Methodology, and Impact on Planning.- Part XIX Underground Urban Development.- Part XX Urban and Land Planning Versus Risks Resilient Management.- Part XXI Contruction Materials.- Part XXII Aquifer Vulnerability and Springs/Wells Protection Zones.