Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2007 in the subject Psychology – Intelligence and Learning Psychology, grade: 3.95, , course: Psychology, language: English, abstract: This study analyses emotional intelligence with special regard to leadership.
Emotions are a mood that is characterized by an organic commotion, product of an external situation, and that can be translated in gestures, laughter or weeping. All the emotions are, in essence, impulses to act. For Freytes, it is what causes that we approach or we move away to a certain person or circumstance. We induce this way, because using the emotions helps to understand our position, the relation with the world and to respond of adaptive form. Palmer reveals that this notion is the fundamental reason of a vision that considers to the emotions like motives forces that adapt in an approach of cognition activities and by consequence it is the impetus for the development of construct of emotional intelligence.
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Dr. Gisela M. Rentas is a graduate from Interamerican University of Puerto Rico in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and graduate from Capella University in Early Childhood Education and a graduate from University of Puerto Rico in Psychology. She graduated with distinction for her thesis entitled: Analysis of the dimensions of emotional intelligence in a sample of managers of public organizations in the metropolitan area of San Juan. She brings more than 15 years of experience develop and advising successful programs, educating and providing training and technical assistance in the field of human resources, organizational behavior, administration, and education to private, public and federal organizations. She has offered workshops and training to different populations such as teachers, judges, lawyers, managers, engineers, architects, doctors, etc. Dr. Rentas was the coordinator of the First Congress of Emotional Intelligence entitled: The Development and Application of Emotional Intelligence in Puerto Rico. In addition, Dr. Rentas has held several positions in Early Head Start, Head Start and Migrant Head Start programs and brings a wealth of experience in the areas of Education, School Readiness, Self-Assessment, Coaching, Management and Family Services. Dr. Rentas is known for her passion for children, youth, pregnant women, and her true commitment to delivery of quality services. Dr. Rentas resides in Charleston, SC with her husband and son.