Find yourself in a constant battle with the scales? You’re not alone. Most of usstruggle with our weight – no matter what we do, those pesky pounds creepback on. Dukkan, Atkins, Cabbage Soup… there are so many diets from which tochoose. But what we really need to do is target the causes of excess weight andchange how we think about, and choose, the food we eat.Good Housekeeping Drop a Dress Size is a diet with a difference. It breaksdown all your eating habits – from breakfast on-...
Find yourself in a constant battle with the scales? You’re not alone. Most of usstruggle with our weight – no matter what we do, those pesky pounds creepback on. Dukkan, Atkins, Cabbage Soup… there are so many diets from which tochoose. But what we really need to do is target the causes of excess weight andchange how we think about, and choose, the food we eat.Good Housekeeping Drop a Dress Size is a diet with a difference. It breaksdown all your eating habits – from breakfast on-the-go and workplace snacking, to eating out and cooking at home – so you can pinpoint temptationtroublespots and make healthy changes. Learn how to identify common diettraps and decode food labels so you can make informed, guilt-free decisions.And the best bit? Nothing is off-limits – so there’s no need to give up thechocolate cake. Instead, the book shows how to practice better portion control, and make simple but effective swaps and substitutions. Eating on-to-go? Findout how the high-street sandwiches fare in calorie count, and what it takes toburn them off. No time to exercise? Find out how to squeeze in a low-sweatworkout into your busy routine.Good Housekeeping Drop a Dress Size is the ultimate guide to pain-free dieting.Packed with shopping tips and realistic goals this easy-to-stick-to plan will getyou back in those skinny jeans, and change your life for good.