İçerik tablosu
1 Gunder Myran, Curtis L. Ivery, Michael H. Parsons, Charles Kinsley
1. Overview: The Future of the Urban Community College7
Gunder Myran, Michael H...
İçerik tablosu
1 Gunder Myran, Curtis L. Ivery, Michael H. Parsons, Charles Kinsley
1. Overview: The Future of the Urban Community College7
Gunder Myran, Michael H. Parsons
Leaders are called to transform the very nature of the urbancommunity college just as those who came before them responded tothe social revolution of the 1950s and 1960s amid the civil rightsmovement of that era.
2. The Urban Crisis and Pathways to a Multiracial Democracy 19
Curtis L. Ivery
Realization of a multiracial democracy is challenged bycolor-blind politics and postracial supposition, fueled in part bythe election of our first black President in 2008, but contradictedby the chronic persistence of racial segregation and socialinequality.
3. A New Leadership Paradigm for the 21st Century27
Calvin Woodland, Michael H. Parsons
Leadership in the 21st century will require new insights andmodels. The authors blend theory and experience into a design forengaging the ‘new normal’ in higher education.
4. The Future-Shaping Function of the Governing Board37
Rosemary Gillett-Karam
The unique relationship between boards and the urban collegesthey serve is examined from the perspective of a universityprofessor who also serves as a community college trustee.
5. The Employability Gap and the Community College Role in Workforce Development 45
Gunder Myran, Curtis L. Ivery
Community colleges are becoming the primary source ofmiddle-skill talent through their workforce development programs.This chapter explores the ways urban colleges are striving to closeemployability and wealth gaps by linking workforce and socialequity objectives.
6. Reframing Community Partnerships 55
Jerry Sue Thornton
This chapter frames innovative and creative ways to developunique partnerships with local high schools and employers, exemplified by the best collaborative practices of Cuyahoga andother community colleges.
7. Increasing the Relevance of Curricular and Student Services in the Urban Community College 63
Eduardo J. Padrón
Like America itself, Miami Dade College’s evolution as aninstitution of multiracial democracy started out in reality asquite the opposite–mostly segregated in the beginning, butnow a national model of student diversity and success.
8. Achieving a Multiracial Democracy on Campus 75
Rufus Glasper
The goal of multiracial equity is not just a phrase in missionstatements, but a top-down strategic necessity for communitycolleges founded on and dedicated to the principles of socialjustice.
9. Capacity Building: Reshaping Urban Community College Resources in Response to Emerging Challenges 85
Wright L. Lassiter, Jr.
Metropolitan community colleges face a myriad of convergentchallenges. Sometimes to make sense of it all, it helps to think ofan onion, from the outer layers of support to inner core ofinstructional services.
10. The New Community College Business and Finance Model93
Gunder Myran
Community colleges are transitioning from an old business andfinance model to a new future-shaping one. They are beingredesigned to become leaner, smarter, more efficient, morecreative, and more focused in response to long-term financialconstraints as well as rapidly changing workplace skillrequirements, technological advances, and globalization.