İçerik tablosu
1. Introduction: Praxis as a Perspective on International Politics – Gunther Hellmann and Jens Steffek
Part 1: Theorizing Praxis
2. Knowing, Remembering, Showing Bu...
İçerik tablosu
1. Introduction: Praxis as a Perspective on International Politics – Gunther Hellmann and Jens Steffek
Part 1: Theorizing Praxis
2. Knowing, Remembering, Showing But Still Not Seeing: Critical Praxis, Slavery and the Modern ‘We’ – K.M. Fierke
3. Friedrich Kratochwil: Prophet of Doubt? – Cecelia Lynch
4. Styles of Theorizing International Practice – Christian Bueger
5. Practising Theorizing in Theorizing Praxis: Friedrich Kratochwil and Social Inquiry – Gunther Hellmann
Part 2: Praxis and the Law
6. If Not Rome or The Hague, Where? Reflections on Sanctioning and Punishing – Chris Brown
7. Practical Constitutionalism – Anthony F. Lang, Jr.
8. Rules, Institutions and Decisions: Taking Distribution Seriously – Jan Klabbers
Part 3: Biology, Contingency and History
9. I Think, Therefore IR? Psychology, Biology and the Notion of Praxis – James W. Davis
10. Practice, Intersubjectivity and the Problem of Contingency – Oliver Kessler
11. The Praxis of Change and Theory – Mathias Albert
12. Thinking on Time: How Scholarly Praxis Can Sustain, Subvert and Transform Social Reality – Jörg Friedrichs
Part 4: Theorizing as Intervention
13. Practising Academic Intervention: An Agonistic Reading of Praxis – Antje Wiener
14. Between Science and Politics: Friedrich Kratochwil’s Praxis of ‘Going On’ – Patrick Thaddeus Jackson
15 Praxis, Humanism and the Quest for Wholeness – Jens Steffek
Part 5: Conversing with Critics
16. Acting, Representing, Ruling: A Conversation with My Critics on Social Reproduction and the Logic of Social Inquiry – Friedrich Kratochwil