Bouvard et Pécuchet est une Odyssée. La littérature (profane – c’est-à-dire la vraie) commence avec Homère (déjà grand sceptique) et toute grande oeuvre est soit une Iliade, soit une Odyssée, les odyssées étant beaucoup plus nombreuses que les iliades : le Satiricon, La Divine Comédie, Pantagruel, Don Quichotte, et naturellement Ulysse (où l’on reconnaît d’ailleurs l’influence directe de Bouvard et Pécuchet) sont des odyssées, c’est-à-dire des récits de temps pleins. Les iliades sont au contraire des recherches du temps perdu : devant Troie, sur une île déserte ou chez les Guermantes
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Gustave Flaubert (December 12, 1821 – May 8, 1880) is counted among the greatest Western novelists. He was born in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, in the Haute-Normandie Region of France.
Flaubert’s curious modes of composition favored and were emphasized by these peculiarities. He worked in sullen solitude, sometimes occupying a week in the completion of one page, never satisfied with what he had composed, violently tormenting his brain for the best turn of a phrase, the most absolutely final adjective. It cannot be said that his incessant labors were not rewarded. His private letters show that he was not one of those to whom easy and correct language is naturally given; he gained his extraordinary perfection with the unceasing sweat of his brow. One of the most severe of academic critics admits that in all his works, and in every page of his works, Flaubert may be considered a model of style.