This book is particularly timely in light of continuing international efforts to integrate Asia literacy into a national educational system where understanding of Asia – its languages, cultures, histories, and beliefs – is still at an emergent stage for a nation that is evolving into what George Megalogenis refers as ‘an Eurasian society’ (2015).
The contributors to this collection range from the pioneers who created and developed the Asia literacy research space, to those who bring additional new theoretical insights through disciplines such as linguistics and ethnography. Their analysis has resulted in recommendations to develop a deeper understanding of working and living in diverse communities. The book also brings together theoretical perspectives on the current Australian socio-cultural and political context and how that can impact on pedagogical advancement in Asia literacy.
The book argues for a broadening focus on what the outcomes Asia literacy in a globalworld can be for all Australians and offers counter narratives to the myth of a homogenous ‘White Australian culture’, to provide new ways of engaging with curriculum and pedagogy that transcend superficial awareness of multiculturalism to embrace realistic and reflective principles of global education.
İçerik tablosu
1 Introduction.- 2 A systemised review of research into/on Asia literacy in schools.- 3 Asia literacy in Australian Education and its nexus with cosmopolitan praxis.- 4 Asia literacy and the globally oriented citizen: Framing the moral dimension of educating for Asia literacy.- 5 Asian-Australian literacy: Post-20.1.17 Knowledge production.- 6 How can Asia literacy in the curriculum contribute to dialogues around ‘Asutralian nation-ness’?.- 7 Spaces for variations in the Asia Literacy ‘policy gap’.- 8 Images of ‘Asia literacy’: An analysis of online representations.- 9 Seeking Asia literacy beyond and within: Examining the nature of future teachers learning through Out Mobility Experiences in higher education.- 10 Teaching Chinese language for Asia literacy: Chinese teachers’experiences teaching Australian students.- 11 ‘It’s the future!’: Students as key stakeholders in Asia Literacy.
Yazar hakkında
Hannah Soong is a lecturer, applied researcher, sociologist and course coordinator teaching masters and undergraduate students at the University of South Australia. She has specialist interests in the effects of social and cultural forces shaping the education and migration nexus. Her current research publications and projects are on the empirical studies and theorisation of transnational mobility and education of pre-service teachers, international students and migrant teachers; sociology of Asia literacy and teacher identity work in an ‘East-meets-West’ curriculum. One key area is the investigation around developing ethical engagement with global shifts and relations in education, in particular Asia literacy and global citizenship education, multiculturalism and mobility studies.
Nayia Cominos is a linguist and a specialist in academic language and literacy. She has been lecturing and undertaking research in language teaching, management, and linguistics in Australia and in Europe for over 20 years. Her research expertise includes cross-cultural communication particularly Asia literacy and global citizenship education, academic digital literacies, and medical discourse. She was a contributor to the Adelaide X MOOC Language Revival: Securing the Future of Endangered Languages, and is owner-manager of a consultancy firm specialised in linguistics, curriculum development, language review and assessment, and workplace communication.