Here’s the book you need to prepare for the hands-on JNCIP exam, CERT-JNCIP-M, from Juniper Networks. Written by the Juniper Networktrainer who helped develop the exam, this Study Guide provides theinformation and insights you need to approach the challenging JNCIPhands-on lab with confidence.Authoritative coverage of all test objectives, including:* Monitoring and troubleshooting router operation* Upgrading and backing up JUNOS* Monitoring traffic loads* Configuring a variety of interfaces, including Ethernet, Frame Relay, ATM, and HDLC* Configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting OSPF* Working with IS-IS* Manipulating IBGP routing* Monitoring EBGP operation Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
İçerik tablosu
Introduction.Chapter 1: Initial Configuration and Platform Troubleshooting.Chapter 2: Interface Configuration and Testing.Chapter 3: OSPF Configuration and Testing.Chapter 4: IS-IS Configuration and Testing.Chapter 5: IBGP Configuration and Testing.Chapter 6: EBGP Configuration and Testing.Glossary.Index.
Yazar hakkında
Harry Reynolds, JNCIE # 3, CCIE #4977, is the curriculum development manager and a Senior Education Services Engineer at Juniper Networks Inc. He has written numerous training courses and has presented data communications and internetworking training classes for the last 15 years for a variety of organizations.