The management of South Africa’s elephants is a lightning-rod for a whole range of associated values-based policy issues pertaining to the elephant in South Africa. Elephant Management aims to pave the way to better resolution of these controversial issues. This illustrated and comprehenseive work explores a range of topics: synthesizing, evaluating and summarizing knowledge on the biology and ecology of elephants; elephant effects on trees, other herbivores, birds and ecosystem function; management techniques; and social, economic and ethical implications of various management options. It contains contributions from an expert author team comprised of many of the world’s leading specialists, including biologists, environmentalists, ethicists, economists and lawyers. Elephant Management is the first book of its kind, and topical both nationally and internationally. The research has been thoroughly peer-, stakeholder- and publicly reviewed. The anticipated readership is broad, including not only conservation policymakers and practitioners in South Africa and Africa, but also postgraduate students in many parts of the world, researchers and academics, conservation NGOs, interested stakeholders and members of the public. The book is likely to become required reading for university courses.
İçerik tablosu
List of figures
List of tables
List of boxes
About the authors and contributors
List of reviewers
Acronyms and abbreviations
Summary for policymakers
Chapter 1 The elephant in South Africa: history and distribution
Lead author: Jane Carruthers
Author: André Boshoff
Contributing authors: Rob Slotow, Harry C Biggs, Graham Avery, and Wayne Matthews
Chapter 2 Elephant population biology and ecology
Lead author: Rudi van Aarde
Authors: Sam Ferreira, Tim Jackson, and Bruce Page
Contributing authors: Yolande de Beer, Katie Gough, Rob Guldemond, Jessi Junker, Pieter Olivier, Theresia Ott, and Morgan Trimble
Chapter 3 Effects of elephants on ecosystems and biodiversity
Lead author: Graham IH Kerley
Authors: Marietjie Landman, Laurence Kruger, and Norman Owen-Smith
Contributing authors: Dave Balfour, Willem F de Boer, Angela Gaylard, Keith Lindsay, and Rob Slotow
Chapter 4 Interactions between elephants and people
Lead author: Wayne Twine
Author: Hector Magome
Chapter 5 Elephant translocation
Lead author: Douw G Grobler
Authors: J J van Altena, Johan H Malan, and Robin L Mackey
Chapter 6 Reproductive control of elephants
Lead author: Henk Bertschinger
Author: Audrey Delsink
Contributing authors: J J van Altena, Jay Kirkpatrick, Hanno Killian, Andre Ganswindt, Rob Slotow, and Guy Castley
Chapter 7 Controlling the distribution of elephants
Lead author: CC (Rina) Grant
Authors: Roy Bengis, Dave Balfour, and Mike Peel
Contributing authors: Warwick Davies-Mostert, Hanno Killian, Rob Little, Izak Smit, Marion Garaï, Michelle Henley, Brandon Anthony, and Peter Hartley
Contributors to the fencing table: Meiring Prinsloo, Ian Bester, John Adendorf, Paul Havemann, Bill Howells, Duncan Mac Fadyen, and Tim Parker
Chapter 8 Lethal management of elephants
Lead author: Rob Slotow
Authors: Ian Whyte and Markus Hofmeyr
Contributing authors: Graham H I Kerley, Tony Conway, and Robert J Scholes
Chapter 9 Ethical considerations in elephant management
Lead author: H P P (Hennie) Lötter
Authors: Michelle Henley, Saliem Fakir, and Michele Pickover
Contributing author: Mogobe Ramose
Chapter 10 The economic value of elephants
Lead author: James Blignaut
Authors: Martin de Wit and Jon Barnes
Chapter 11 National and international law
Lead author: Lisa Hopkinson
Authors: Marius van Staden and Jeremy Ridl
Chapter 12 Towards integrated decision making for elephant
Lead author: Harry C Biggs
Author: Rob Slotow
Contributing authors: Robert J Scholes, Jane Carruthers, Rudi van Aarde, Graham H I Kerley, Wayne Twine,
Douw G Grobler, Henk Berthshinger, CC (Rina) Grant, HP P (Hennie) Lötter, James Blignaut, Lisa Hopkinson, and Mike Peel
Yazar hakkında
Ian Whyte was involved in the research environment in Kruger National Park for 37 years of which 24 were as co-ordinator of elephant research. He has been a member of the IUCN’s Species Survival Commission – African Elephant Specialist Group since 1992.