The preaching ministries of John Wesley and George Whitefield propelled them to the forefront of the eighteenth-century evangelical revival. Both self-professed ‘men of one book, ‘ one of the most visible ways in which they expressed their high regard for Scripture was through their desire to be ‘preachers of one book.’ This book seeks to compare various aspects of the full-orbed ‘preach and print’ ministries conducted by Wesley and Whitefield. Committed to the principle that the ‘whole world was their parish, ‘ Wesley and Whitefield manifested their singular desire to be men of one book through preaching ministries that were by no means identical, yet equally committed to the spread of the gospel throughout the transatlantic world.
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A. T. B. Mc Gowan, formerly director of the Rutherford Centre for Reformed Theology, is emeritus professor of theology in the University of the Highlands and Islands. He served as principal of Highland Theological College for fifteen years and has also served as minister in various parishes of the Church of Scotland. Professor Mc Gowan is vice chairman of the World Reformed Fellowship and serves as chairman of its Theological Commission.