The purpose of this book is to give a systematic pedagogical exposition of the quantitative analysis of Wilson lines and gauge-invariant correlation functions in quantum chromodynamics. Using techniques from the previous volume (Wilson Lines in Quantum Field Theory, 2014), an ab initio methodology is developed and practical tools for its implementation are presented. Emphasis is put on the implications of gauge invariance and path-dependence properties of transverse-momentum dependent parton density functions. The latter are associated with the QCD factorization approach to semi-inclusive hadronic processes, studied at currently operating and planned experimental facilities.
Particle Number Operators in Quantum Mechanics and in Quantum Field Theory
Geometry of Quantum Field Theories
Basics of Wilson Lines in QCD
Gauge-Invariant Parton Densities
Simplifying Wilson Line Calculations
Brief Literature Guide
Conventions and Reference Formulae
Yazar hakkında
Igor Cherednikov and Frederik F. Van der Veken, University of Antwerp, Belgium.